The Best Way to Get Familiar With Your Products? Use Them!

The Best Way to Get Familiar With Your Products? Use Them!

Linda Stearns says if you’re offering it, you should be familiar with it. Take advantage of the best hands-on training available and try using your products!

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Credit Unions: the Fight to Stay Relevant

Credit Unions: the Fight to Stay Relevant

As Money 20/20 takes off in Las Vegas this weekend, NACUSO’s Denise Wymore preps to moderate a debate between CU*Answers CEO, Randy Karnes, and Sarah Snell Cooke, of Cooke Consulting Solutions.

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Credit Unions in the ’80s: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Credit Unions in the ’80s: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Times are rapidly changing, and while most eyes are on the future and what’s next, Angie Douglas is looking back at credit unions in the 80’s.

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Interactive Teller Machines and Kiosks: What You Should Know Going In

Interactive Teller Machines and Kiosks: What You Should Know Going In

Thinking about adding interactive teller machines and kiosks to your credit union? Here are the things John Beauchamp wants you to know before going in.

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Data Presentations: It’s Not All About Making It Pretty

Data Presentations: It’s Not All About Making It Pretty

In the growing debate about the best way to present data, Sarah Ashby argues that it’s not about the look, it’s about the message.

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Credit Unions Worldwide Celebrate Together on the Value They Bring To and Beyond Their Communities

Credit Unions Worldwide Celebrate Together on the Value They Bring To and Beyond Their Communities

What did your credit union do to celebrate International Credit Union Day®? Esteban Camargo takes a look at this year’s theme, what it means, and what credit unions are doing to celebrate.

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Celebrating International Credit Union Day: A Daughter’s Tribute to Her Dad

Celebrating International Credit Union Day: A Daughter’s Tribute to Her Dad

In honor of International Credit Union Day®, Marilyn Boyd remembers her father and credit union leader, Robert J. Debri, and how he impacted not only the credit union industry, but her career as well.

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Web Accessibility Isn’t as Scary as You Think

Web Accessibility Isn’t as Scary as You Think

Keeping your website accessible is essential, but it can be an overwhelming task. Thankfully, CUSO Magazine sat down with Quality Administrator, Susanna Wojtkowiak to discuss the process of making (and keeping) a site accessible.

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Pick Up the Phone! – The Importance of Calling Your Members

Pick Up the Phone! – The Importance of Calling Your Members

When was the last time you called your members? In an age of social media and internet communications, Jason Conrad proves that connecting over the phone is still important to member services.

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Where to Start with Data Analytics

Where to Start with Data Analytics

Data analytics can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to start. Not to worry, Annalyn Hawkes is going to help you build your data analytics skills – one piece at a time.

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