Top Three Trends in Credit Union Marketing

Top Three Trends in Credit Union Marketing

Bo McDonald of Your Marketing Co covers the top three trends impacting credit union marketing at the moment and how credit unions are using these to drive growth.

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Crafting a Strategic Marketing Plan for Credit Unions

Crafting a Strategic Marketing Plan for Credit Unions

Marketing Expert Bo McDonald shares insider secrets on how to create an effective and personalized strategic marketing plan for your credit union.

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Unlocking the Potential of Your Credit Union: The Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing

Unlocking the Potential of Your Credit Union: The Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing

If your looking to spice up your credit union’s marketing strategy, marketing expert Bo McDonald suggests enlisting the help of a professional marketing agency to bring in a fresh perspective.

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Four Reasons Your Credit Union Marketing Isn’t Working

Four Reasons Your Credit Union Marketing Isn’t Working

Finding the perfect marketing solution can be difficult, but nearly impossible when the credit union is standing in its own way. Bo McDonald of YourMarketingCo shares four reasons credit union marketing plans often fail and how you can avoid such pitfalls.

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Five Reasons Your Credit Union Marketing Must Target an Ideal Member Persona

Five Reasons Your Credit Union Marketing Must Target an Ideal Member Persona

The data shows that credit unions who target a specific ideal member have better growth than those that try to be everything to everyone. But how do you tackle such a strategy? Bo McDonald has a few ideas to help you get started.

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Credit Union Marketing Is So Easy

Credit Union Marketing Is So Easy

Often, topics around marketing can become bogged down in trying to appease everyone and make the perfect strategy. However, there is a much simpler path, says Bo McDonald, who encourages credit unions to take risks and create relationships with members.

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Does Your Credit Union Have the Right Marketing Budget?

Does Your Credit Union Have the Right Marketing Budget?

Everyone is in search of the perfect budget for their credit union’s marketing, the one number that will make all their marketing a great success. But while there is no one-size solution, Bo McDonald offers practical advice for finding what budget works best for your credit union.

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Make Your Members Your Valentine This Year

Make Your Members Your Valentine This Year

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, Emily Claus reminds credit unions why it’s important to let your members know you’re thinking about them and how you can make their day a little sweeter.

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Five Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working and What to do About It

Five Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working and What to do About It

If your marketing efforts aren’t producing the results you’re looking for, it can be tempting to throw money at the problem and hope the outcome improves. Bo McDonald, President and CEO of Your Marketing Co, explains why your marketing efforts may not be broken, just in need of some tweaking.

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Marketing Should Never Stop, It Should Adapt to the Circumstances

Marketing Should Never Stop, It Should Adapt to the Circumstances

Marketing isn’t just about getting members to invest in new products and services, it’s also about letting your members know how you can help them when they need it. Sarah Ashby reflects on events of recent years and how essential it is that your marketing plan remains adaptable, regardless of the circumstances.

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