Event Planning in the Midst of a National Shutdown
If you’re an event planner, chances are you’ve been scrambling to deal with the fallout of coronavirus and cancelled plans. But how will this experience affect the future of event planning and what contingencies planners factor in? Stephanie Underwood shares her thoughts.
Working Remotely: A Common Sense Approach Part One
Working remotely can be a challenge if you’ve never done it before, and it requires a great deal of planning and security. Focusing on the practical side of working from home, Michael Cirivello details what precautions you should be taking to keep your computer secure and how to spot suspicious behavior.
The Good and Bad of Instant Issue
While some technology allows for increased convenience, there can be some drawbacks as well. Megan Ernsberger covers the positives and negatives of instant issue, and what you should consider when looking to add it to your credit union.
The Five Keys to Good Customer Service Part One: Communication
In the first part of this new series focusing on what makes for great customer service, Morgan VanEnk starts with the basics: communication.
Why We Build Our Capital: Spotlight on Affinity Credit Union
As credit unions across the nation work hard to adapt to difficult circumstances, CEO Jim Dean shares how Affinity Credit Union has approached the situation, and shares his feelings on why a policy of open honesty is the best solution.
Credit Unions and Farming: What We Can Learn About Business Sustainability
Contrary to the cliché that size is equal to success, Chip Filson argues that various credit union sizes serve to make the industry stronger. Relating credit unions to the co-op method of community supported agriculture, he reminds us that scale is no substitute for community.
A DIY Guide to SEO Part Two
In the second part of his series on search engine optimization, Casey Smith covers some of his top WordPress plugins, things to avoid, and how to become a triple threat.
What Fintech Companies Are Doing to Help Credit Unions Succeed During Coronavirus
As credit unions work to adjust to their new normal and find the technologies to continue serving their members from a distance, fintech companies are stepping in to help. Emily Claus shares examples of such companies and what kind of support you can receive for your credit union.
A DIY Guide to SEO Part One
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be an expert to improve your SEO. Simply roll up your sleeves and get your toolbox out of the closet as Casey Smith delves into how search engine optimization works and how you can improve your website’s SEO all on your own.
Managing Regulatory Ramifications in Today’s Environment
With COVID-19 altering the country every day, credit unions are being required to make significant decisions and changes with little notice. Jim Vilker lends some guidance on how to prepare your credit union for any eventual justification that may be required once things return to the norm.