Don’t Let Your Marketing and Design Be Afterthoughts
As Marketing Administrator Megan Tenbusch knows, branding, marketing, and design can make or break your credit union. Thankfully, she has some tips and advice for getting the most out of your efforts.
Now is the Time to Invest in Your Website
Web Developer Kurt Hansen lays out the reasons why your credit union’s website, if designed properly, is your most powerful and essential tool in a COVID-19 world.
Building a Corporate Brand Through Personal Branding
In the second installment of her series on branding, Julie Gessner dives into the relationship between personal and corporate brands and how developing one can set the foundation for the other.
A Question of Leadership
Chip Filson asks a seemingly simple question: What makes a leader? In his opinion, the answer is and should be different for the cooperative system.
The Advantages of a Second to Market Strategy
The urge to come first is strong in our consumer culture. But is being first always best? Esteban Camargo explains the advantages of a second to market strategy.
Are Vendors Asking for Too Much Data?
As FinTechs continues to appear, credit unions are discovering that varying vendors are asking for increased access to member data. But how do you discern what data is worth sharing and to what vendors? Brian Maurer weighs in.
The Five Keys to Good Customer Service Part Three: Build a Best Practice
In part three of her series on providing excellent customer service, Morgan VanEnk shares the wonders and benefits of keeping a best practice not only for yourself, but for your team.
Coronavirus Could Speed the End of Cash
Ed Jesionowski ponders the future of mobile and contactless payments in a post COVID-19 world, and asks if our newly ingrained social distancing habits will mean the end of cash.
Thoughts on Mergers: The Tallest Candlestick Ain’t Much Good Without a Wick
Is the race to merge folly? Chip Filson believes that by discarding member focus and legacy for the sake of growth we undermine the public’s faith in cooperative design. And that might spell disaster for credit unions in the long run.
Is Your CUSO Ready to Take on the CUSO Challenge?
Looking to inspire CUSOs to take on a larger role in the credit union industry, Variable Ventures and their partner NACUSO have created the CUSO Challenge, with five initiatives for CUSOs to support.