Are Credit Unions Democratic? Does it Matter?

Are Credit Unions Democratic? Does it Matter?

Are credit union elections simply a scam? Are credit unions simply going through the motions to provide the idea of democracy even where none exists? Chip Filson weighs in on the debate.

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Slow Down to Speed Up

Slow Down to Speed Up

When taking on a new project, we often get all too excited to speed ahead toward the finish line. But without knowing where we’re going, speed hinders progress, argues Mike Warren.

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Leading with Competence, Not Position or Authority

Leading with Competence, Not Position or Authority

Chip Filson recalls then NUCA chair Ed Callahan’s wise words to the industry back in 1982 and how they should impact and inspire credit union leaders today.

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Restoring the Balance: Taking Personal Time in Today’s Market

Restoring the Balance: Taking Personal Time in Today’s Market

Work-life balance is a buzzword that many businesses claim to prioritize today, but actually doing so is something different altogether. Jerry Collins explains some factors that may be upsetting the balance at your credit union and how you can work to improve these.

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Charitable Giving by Individuals and Credit Unions

Charitable Giving by Individuals and Credit Unions

Chip Filson covers the types of charitable donation accounts offered by credit unions and what the most donated to causes are.

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The Death of the Member

The Death of the Member

Are credit union members slowly being transitioned from owners to customers, and if so, can the cooperative foundation of the industry survive? Emily Claus weighs in.

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Is Credit Union Marketing Lost, Forgotten, or Misunderstood?

Is Credit Union Marketing Lost, Forgotten, or Misunderstood?

Chip Filson contemplates the motive behind current day credit union marketing and the transition from education through connection to education through ads.

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The Unnecessary Euthanizing of Credit Unions

The Unnecessary Euthanizing of Credit Unions

Your Marketing Co. CEO Bo McDonald responds to Todd Marksberry’s recent article on mergers, and argues that merging should be the last resort for financially viable “boutique” credit unions. Foresight and a solid succession plan should be the first order of business to protect the interests of the credit union’s members, instead of its managers.

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An Opportunity for Credit Union Disruption

An Opportunity for Credit Union Disruption

Chip Filson analyzes how a decline in bank branches might be a result of credit unions’ disruptive market strategies, following in behind banks and FinTechs to offer better service and cheaper products.

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Cooperative Design’s Two Unmatchable Advantages

Cooperative Design’s Two Unmatchable Advantages

In the financial forest, Chip Filson discusses the two elements that have led to the successful growth of the credit union system: ownership and relationship.

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