Differentiating Types of Malware
As part of October’s cybersecurity month, Keegan Krajniak delves into the different types of malware and the various ways they work to get your members’ information.
Understanding Contract Terms and Risk Assessments
Patrick Sickels provides a look into contract terms that credit unions should watch out for and understand before signing on the dotted line.
Creating a Tried-and-True Training Program
There’s no one perfect method for developing a great training program, but Sarah Ashby has created a tried-and-true system to make sure you have all your bases covered.
Be a Crime Fighter By Writing Compelling Suspicious Activity Reports
Filling out a suspicious activity report may seem tedious, but one filled out well can make all the difference in law enforcement cracking the case, say Keri Lillie and Heather Williams of Lillie and Company.
What Is a SOC Report and Why Do You Need One? (Hint: Don’t Put It in the Laundry!)
Christen Lipschutz breaks down the various SOC reports, what’s in them, and how they can be beneficial for your credit union.
Five Legal Trends To Be Aware Of
Internal Auditor Patrick Sickels details a few recent trends in litigation that credit unions should be on the lookout for, and how they can ensure they won’t be targeted.
Behind the Scenes of the 5300 Call Report
The 5300 Call Report can be a daunting task for a credit union to complete. Karen Sorensen shares her CUSO’s efforts to make this process easier for credit unions.
Quick Troubleshooting Tips From the IT Pros
Network Engineer Matt Taber discusses some easy troubleshooting methods that anyone, not just the IT gurus, can test out when they’re having issues
Writing for the Web: Make Your Words Count
Writing for the web takes some getting used to, especially if you’ve never done it before. Good thing Alycia Meyers has some tips on how to make your article clear, concise, and easy for readers to navigate.
What We Can Learn from the Microsoft Exchange Hafnium Vulnerability
The Microsoft Exchange Hafnium vulnerability left many organizations’ email servers compromised. EVP of Technology Dave Wordhouse shares ways his organization clamps down on cybersecurity to mitigate the risk of compromised networks.