Identifying Tools for Cross Selling Success


With today’s technology, you might think members have all their credit union information at their fingertips. While they probably do, that does not mean they take advantage of it, read it, or even see it. It is up to you and your staff to not only identify members for potential opportunities to save them time, money, or provide security, but to actively reach out to them to show them what you can do for them and what they might be missing out on.

Sure, you can data mine your information, but then what? Do you have the tools in your core processor for cross sales? Are you using them? Let’s break down the pieces here and see if you know the options available within your core processor.

First, find the tools

First, do you have the tools to get member information? What options do you have on your core processor to mine your credit union’s data to identify your members for potential cross sales? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Can you see where they are shopping (using their debit card)?
  • Can you see where they are borrowing (pulled credit reports)?
  • Can you see what services they are or are not using?

If your answers are yes to any of these questions, think next about how you might be using them! If you know where members are borrowing, you can help them with financing like debt consolidation or refinance opportunities. If we know what services they are not using, you can educate them on products and services the credit union offers to save them time or money or provide financial security.

Great! Time to use the tools

So, what is next? You have all this data, now use the tools! You are ready to ask the next questions to use your core processor tools:

  • Can I add a reminder to staff within the core so they remember what is available to members or special promotions for which the members may qualify?
  • Where can I track initial conversations with members?
  • How does follow-up with the members and tracking in the core work?
  • Once the product is in use, how is the cross-sale tracked as closed or completed?

Answering these questions will ensure you know what tools are available to best train your staff and plan your implementation process for cross sales.

Now, you may have the mined data, created the plan for using it, and closed the cross sale on some opportunities, but there is still another step. How is the credit union tracking their closed cross sales? Is there an option that can be used within the core that looks at cross sales to track them for staff? If the credit union pays incentive on cross sales, can that information be loaded in your core processor to provide incentive for the staff to complete their goals?

Having a place for staff to see their success and where they can work on outstanding opportunities will keep them engaged in the process with your management team. Having a place for your management team to review and track items can ensure goals are being met and provide an idea of the cross sales expense they can expect to see for the team from incentives.

Now get out and get selling

Are you ready to use your tools for cross sales? If you have hesitation on how to approach your staff with the idea of cross sales, check out this article for some great ideas and happy cross selling!


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