Credit Union Trade Groups Renew Push for Member Business Loan Cap Increase

Credit Union Trade Groups Renew Push for Member Business Loan Cap Increase

David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports on credit union trade groups who are renewing their call for Congress to lift the credit union Member Business Lending cap, saying the limit is an arbitrary restriction that keeps financial institutions from providing crucial assistance during the coronavirus economic crisis.

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Community Reinvestment Coalition: Subject Credit Unions to CRA Tests

Community Reinvestment Coalition: Subject Credit Unions to CRA Tests

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition said that if underserved areas of the U.S. are going to be revitalized, non-banks, including credit unions, should be subject to the Community Reinvestment Act, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.

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The Student Loan Crisis: How Credit Unions Come Into Play

The Student Loan Crisis: How Credit Unions Come Into Play

We’re all familiar with the student loan crisis, but how did it reach the level it’s at now, and how do credit unions fit into the scenario? Barb Cooper takes a look back at the history of student loans and where the future might lead.

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Collections: Making It About the Member, Not the Money

Collections: Making It About the Member, Not the Money

Collections manager, Jerry Collins, knows collections isn’t an easy job, but he’ll help you realize you might be going about it the wrong way, and that money isn’t the most important factor in the equation.

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Takeaways from the 2019 CU*Answers Leadership Conference

Takeaways from the 2019 CU*Answers Leadership Conference

CU*Answers held its Annual Leadership Conference discussing the future of the industry and of CU*Answers as it moves forward into 2020. Check out the key takeaways from each section of the event!

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What to Do with a Denied Loan

What to Do with a Denied Loan

Is your credit union defaulting to no on loan applications and working its way up to a yes? In this article, Geoff Johnson takes a more in depth look at how credit unions can go about changing that mindset to get more out of loan applications.

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What Does a Successful Credit Card Portfolio Look Like?

What Does a Successful Credit Card Portfolio Look Like?

For the past 29 years, the number one earning asset in the credit union industry has been the credit card portfolio. During the best and worst of times, by FAR the most consistent generator of revenue has been the credit card. So why aren’t credit unions pushing them more?

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Lending on Character Rather Than Risk

Lending on Character Rather Than Risk

What happens when you need a loan and it’s outside the lending policy? In Barb Cooper’s case, it meant only that she needed to talk to the credit union and with their help, they got her and her husband on the boat they wanted!

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Changing Your Lending Mindset to Default to Yes

Changing Your Lending Mindset to Default to Yes

Is your credit union limiting itself from a lending perspective by playing it too safe? Are you leaving members in need out in the cold because they don’t fit in a neatly defined box? Read more to discover where to start opening those restrictions for win-win situations.

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