Is a Smiley Face a Legal Electronic Signature?

Is a Smiley Face a Legal Electronic Signature?

Ever considered what you’d do if you opened up a loan file only to find that the member signed his mortgage with a smiley face? John Beauchamp takes a look at the question “is a smiley face a legal signature”.

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Going Back to the Basics to Prevent Embezzlement

Going Back to the Basics to Prevent Embezzlement

A recent high profile embezzlement case has the credit union industry wondering how this could happen. Jim Vilker dives into it and credits part of the failure with a lack of basic oversight and best practices. What could credit unions change now to prevent the preventable?

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Your Approach to Online Banking May Leave Your Members Vulnerable

Your Approach to Online Banking May Leave Your Members Vulnerable

It’s like they always say: cybersecurity is like riding a bike. Wait, what? Read on to find out what a hard crash can teach us about cybersecurity. Are we letting members be good stewards of their digital security or are willingly replacing their ability to be self-reliant with convenience?

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The Five Keys to Internet Retailing

The Five Keys to Internet Retailing

What does it take to be a great internet retailer? CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes shares his top 5 traits that every person should have to find success online. So stay aggressive, don’t dally, default to action, and read on!

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The CU*Answers Store, a Case Study for Internet Retailing, Proves the Model with Its Two Year Anniversary

The CU*Answers Store, a Case Study for Internet Retailing, Proves the Model with Its Two Year Anniversary

What would it look like to turn your credit union website into a digital storefront for your members? CU*Answers reflects on two years of its Online Store, the success it’s achieved and where it hopes to go moving forward.

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What About the Owner’s Voice?

What About the Owner’s Voice?

What’s the Owner’s Voice and why is it important to the software development process at CU*Answers? EVP of Software Development Brian Maurer explains how it came about, how it works, and why it’s a key part of the cooperative’s strategy.

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Communi7y Crew Holds Chili Cook Off to Raise Money for Kid’s Backpack Event

Communi7y Crew Holds Chili Cook Off to Raise Money for Kid’s Backpack Event

The Communi7y Crew at CU*Answers held a Chili Cook Off to raise money for Kid’s Backpack Event. Read more to find out who the winners were and how much the Crew raised during the event.

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Why Not Send a Fax?

Why Not Send a Fax?

What happened to the future that was promised us in old movies? The flying cars, the self-fitting clothes, the instant food… the faxed notifications? Well, I guess they weren’t off on how much paper remains a big part of our world, but maybe it’s time to look at one way to make the future look more futuristic. Time to push e-statements even further.

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CUSO Basics: What They Are and How They Help

CUSO Basics: What They Are and How They Help

In this new series called “CUSO Basics”, Bob Frizzle introduces you to the nitty gritty details that make CUSOs what they are. What’s the ownership model? Why are patronage and investment important? Why start a CUSO? Read to find out!

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A History of Credit Unions Part 5: Where We Are Today

A History of Credit Unions Part 5: Where We Are Today

The conclusion of our five-part history of credit unions takes us to a head-to-head confrontation with the banking industry in the 90s and the impact of the Great Recession on credit unions.

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