NCUA Charters Its First New Federal Credit Union This Year
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports on the first federal charter granted in 2020.
The Greatest Generation: What They Did for Credit Unions
As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE-Day, Chip Filson reflects on other contributions made by the Greatest Generation that helped shape the future of America.
An Example for Today’s Credit Union Pioneers
A 95-year-old lesson on pioneering new credit unions is still applicable today. Chip Filson shares the lesson of fifteen women with $4.50, the difference that can make, and wonders who will be the pioneer of credit unions today.
The Entrepreneurs: Attracting the Next Cohort of Credit Union Leaders
Renewing credit union membership with younger generations is important, but so is renewing leadership with young entrepreneurs. Chip Filson discusses the need for more encouragement of young leaders and for the NCUA to loosen the barriers to new credit unions.