CFPB: Crackdown on Overdraft Policies is Coming
The CFPB intends to crack down on financial institutions that charge the largest fees for overdrafts and is considering “a wide variety of regulatory interventions” to better supervise such fees, Director Rohit Chopra said.
Warren Buffet’s Wisdom for Coops
Chip Filson contemplates how Warren Buffet’s wisdom offers a new perspective on the credit union industry.
Your Results May Vary: The Hidden Price of Customization
Dawn Moore warns credit unions against diving too deep into customization as the result can make shared resources and support materials confusing enough to members that they become useless.
The Key to Creating a Good Risk Assessment
A good risk assessment is essential for determining your credit union’s current risk status and if additional loss mitigation controls are needed. So how do you go about creating one? Jim Vilker offers advice on the process.
NCUA Board Asks Congress to Make CLF Changes Permanent
The National Credit Union Administration board is asking Congress to make permanent the pandemic-related changes to the agency’s Central Liquidity Facility, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
How One Bad Password Let Me Ruin My Friend’s Week
Keegan Krajniak warns against weak passwords and explains how even one easy-to-crack password leaves you vulnerable to serious damage.
Let’s Talk About Seniors and Online Banking
As the age-old belief that older generations prefer in-person banking over digital turns into a myth, Emily Claus discusses motivates behind the shift in preference and how credit unions can help their older members transition to digital.
Taxi Medallions in the American Cooperative System
The role of ownership has always been a core aspect of the cooperative model. But if that’s the case, why did the NCUA undermine the right of ownership in the NYC taxi medallion issue? Chip Filson contemplates the ramifications of this choice.
Community Coalition Joins Banks in Blasting Credit Unions
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition joined the American Bankers Association and the Independent Community Bankers of America in telling Congress that credit unions are not fulfilling their mission and are not sufficiently accountable to the communities they serve, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
Transparency and Trust Go Hand-in-Hand
A transparent organization engenders trust suggests Andrew Macmillan. What is your organization sharing with members and staff to earn their loyalty?