A History of Credit Unions Part 3: Credit Unions Go National
Part 3 of this credit union history series explores the formation of the Federal Credit Union Act in 1934, the rapid growth of credit unions nationwide in the decades to follow and sets us up for the emergence of an independent governing agency for credit unions, which had been passed around between four different supervisory agencies!
Get to Know CU*Answers Client Services and Education leaders Laura Welch-Vilker and Kasey Woodhead
Get to know Laura Welch-Vilker, CU*Answers VP of Client Services and Education, and Kasey Woodhead, Client Services assistant manager. We sat down with them and asked him about the Western Region Shift at CU*Answers, and what that’s meant for the team and clients.
Changing Your Lending Mindset to Default to Yes
Is your credit union limiting itself from a lending perspective by playing it too safe? Are you leaving members in need out in the cold because they don’t fit in a neatly defined box? Read more to discover where to start opening those restrictions for win-win situations.
A History of Credit Unions Part 2: An American Tale
We continue from part 1 of our History of Credit Unions series by following credit unions from their origins in Europe to how they got their start in Canada and eventually the United States. Who lead the way? Find out here!
The Top 4 Pages on Your Credit Union Website
What are the most visited pages on your credit union website? Tony Muka looked at credit union websites across the network to analyze web traffic to identify the areas members (and non-members) are visiting the most, and what that should mean to your site design and content.
Store Days Keep CU*Answers Team Focused on Internet Retailing
The continuous improvement focus of Store Days improves the documentation and information sharing for CU*Answers clients. Additionally, concentrating on the quality and centralizing of resources into the store assists in the knowledge sharing of CU*Answers staff.
A History of Credit Unions Part 1: European Origins
Have you worked in the credit union industry long, but have no clue how it started here in the US? Look no further than this new series exploring the history of credit unions, where they got their start, and how they came to represent over one hundred million members in the US alone.
Forget the Glitz and Glam – a Fresh Website Doesn’t Need to Break Your Budget
Avoid the lure of glamorous and expensive new websites! The key to a great credit union website is not the money you put into it, but the message you deliver. Read Marketing Manager Peter Meyers’ input on what to consider when shopping for websites.
Get to Know Peter Meyers, CU*Answers Marketing Manager
Get to know Peter Meyers, marketing manager for CU*Answers. We sat down with him and asked him about the work the marketing team does for both credit unions and the CUSO, getting the word out on products and services.
A Good Plan is Good for Little Without the Willingness to Adapt
Success in business comes not only from having a plan, but from being willing to adapt that plan to life’s circumstances. Check out CU*Answers COO Geoff Johnson’s insights on planning for business and life, and the necessity for adaptability in reaching your goals.