An Open Secret: NCUA, Oxymorons, and Merger Truths

An Open Secret: NCUA, Oxymorons, and Merger Truths

Could the NCUA really be said to be helping credit unions when in 2014 they published “Truth in Mergers”? Chip Filson points out the oxymorons that litter the publication, and asks whether NCUA will change its tune in the future.

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America’s Most Responsible Credit Unions

America’s Most Responsible Credit Unions

Should credit unions evaluate themselves not just on their key financial metrics, but also on their cooperative score? Chip Filson sees the need for credit unions to reexamine how they compare themselves against one another.

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An Unexpected Surprise From a Competitive Board Election at Frontwave

An Unexpected Surprise From a Competitive Board Election at Frontwave

Chip Filson recounts the recent surprise one credit union faced when it received an unexpected response to a call for board candidates. What can credit unions learn from Frontwave to boost the candidate pools of their own board elections?

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The NCUA’s Most Important Function Needs Transparent Reassessment

The NCUA’s Most Important Function Needs Transparent Reassessment

Recent high profile embezzlement cases and NCUA’s reticence to disclose information about them suggests a major problem, says Chip Filson. NCUA’s examination process has failed.

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A Critical Role for America’s Credit Union Museum

A Critical Role for America’s Credit Union Museum

America’s Credit Union Museum may never be more important to the industry than it is now, says Chip Filson. The industry must learn from its early history, or risk losing its critical place in society.

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What Bubble?

What Bubble?

Chip Filson thinks current market conditions have been seen before, harkening back to the 70s just before the inflation crisis. How would credit unions weather the storm should it hit again?

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NCUA Leadership is in a Rut, Part 2

NCUA Leadership is in a Rut, Part 2

Chip Filson continues his criticism of NCUA leadership, policy, and top-down mandates that offer no input from the credit union community.

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NCUA Leadership Is In A Rut Part I

NCUA Leadership Is In A Rut Part I

Chip Filson reflects on the NCUA’s history with embracing change and new methods in necessary times and why it seems to have fallen away from that practice.

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A Cooperative Opportunity Trifecta

A Cooperative Opportunity Trifecta

While the NCUA’s response to start ups may be slow and tied down by regulatory requirements, Chip Filson praises a new program in California aimed at encouraging and supporting young, diverse groups in creating cooperative start ups.

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No Limiting Principle

No Limiting Principle

NCUA’s update to corporate rule 704 is not without many issues claims Chip Filson. All the little missteps that go into new policy set precedent for the “how we’ve always done it” mantra that damages from within.

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