Now is the Time to Invest in Your Website


In a topsy-turvy world it’s hard to focus on what’s important because so much changes every day. Call it COVID-19 confusion, chaos, or just plain strange, it seems as though the world has gone crazy, am I right?

It’s a normal reaction to pull back when times get tough under normal circumstances. For most organizations serving the public, it’s clear that income may go down, expenses may stay the same or go up, and the net result may be break even at best. But these aren’t normal times. So, there’s even more of an inclination to put the brakes on. But that may not be a good idea.

Your website is an essential tool…

As a web developer, I may be biased, but it’s clear to me that websites are very important to the success of any organization. If you stay focused on how members and potential members connect with your credit union, digital connections via online banking, chat, apps, and your website are critical to your success.

Here are a number of reasons why your website is important and you should invest in it:

  • It’s how people find you – make it easy with SEO
  • It’s your calling card – make an impact when people first visit and make it easy to find what visitors want. Your visual and experiential presentation are part of how people decide if they want to do business with you. What are you saying with your website?
  • It’s your online branch for member acquisition and service. Hopefully, your site makes you look credible and makes it easy for potential new members to contact you.
  • Your site can answer common questions like your business hours or minimum deposit requirements thus relieving your staff from answering phone calls or in-person visits.
  • It can be used to inform members and potential members about community activities. Tell them about your community involvement!
  • Your website is just one digital way to connect with people. Use it to promote all of your products, services, and digital channels to show members how easy it is to manage their money.
  • A website is part of your brand – tell your story and make it work for you.
  • Your competitors are working on their website too.
  • It makes you money!

…if updated and designed properly!

If your website has been updated recently, you may just need to add new content, new featured products, or make a few modifications to the design or layout. But, if your website hasn’t been updated in a while, now might be the time for an overhaul. The cost to update your site or even create a new design doesn’t have to be prohibitive. In fact, you should consider it an investment because it makes money.

Done right, your website is a sound investment in your future. Step confidently into your future by updating or renewing it!


  • Kurt Hansen

    Kurt joined CU*Answers in 2014 as a Web Applications Developer. With a couple of decades of IT work including consulting, networking, IT management and web development, he’s become a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to bit flipping and technology implementation. Outside of work he loves dogs, spending time outside and sometimes just thinking about life in a quiet forest. He is Board Chairperson for River Valley Credit Union.

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