Harper: Exams Demonstrate Need for Consumer Protection Focus

Harper: Exams Demonstrate Need for Consumer Protection Focus

David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports that citing deficiencies that NCUA examiners found during the past year, board Chairman Todd Harper renewed his call for the agency to develop a separate consumer protection examination. His remarks came during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Banking Committee.

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Do Small Credit Unions Matter? Should They? Will They?

Do Small Credit Unions Matter? Should They? Will They?

Does the disappearance of the “small” credit union signal bad things to come for the industry? Chip Filson looks at the trends and suggests setting our sights back on the small to restock the pond.

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Hauptman: NCUA Must Make It Easier to Form a Credit Union

Hauptman: NCUA Must Make It Easier to Form a Credit Union

NCUA board Vice Chairman Kyle Hauptman believes that the NCUA must make it easier for groups to form new credit unions and should stop encouraging small, struggling credit unions to merge, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.

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Hood: Regulators Need to Develop Joint Cannabis Banking Policy

Hood: Regulators Need to Develop Joint Cannabis Banking Policy

NCUA Board member Rodney Hood called on federal banking regulators to begin developing a joint principles-based approach to marijuana banking, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.

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NCUA to Accept Streamlined Applications for CDFI Certification

NCUA to Accept Streamlined Applications for CDFI Certification

Low-income, federally insured credit unions that wish to be certified as Community Development Financial Institutions may apply for the NCUA’s streamlined qualification process between Sept. 12 and Oct. 15, agency officials announced.

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CU Trades: NCUA is Too Picky in Anti-Money Laundering Exams

CU Trades: NCUA is Too Picky in Anti-Money Laundering Exams

NCUA examiners are too picky in their Anti-Money Laundering/Bank Secrecy Act enforcement and are citing financial institutions for small technical violations, NAFCU and CUNA have told the agency, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.

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An Open Secret: NCUA, Oxymorons, and Merger Truths

An Open Secret: NCUA, Oxymorons, and Merger Truths

Could the NCUA really be said to be helping credit unions when in 2014 they published “Truth in Mergers”? Chip Filson points out the oxymorons that litter the publication, and asks whether NCUA will change its tune in the future.

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Biden to Nominate Harper for Full Term on NCUA Board

Biden to Nominate Harper for Full Term on NCUA Board

President Biden has announced his intention to nominate National Credit Union Administration Chairman Todd Harper to serve a full term on the agency board, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.

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NCUA Board Agrees to Solicit Comments on Capital Adequacy Changes

NCUA Board Agrees to Solicit Comments on Capital Adequacy Changes

The NCUA board agreed to solicit comments on a proposed rule that would amend the agency’s capital adequacy regulation governing credit unions with assets over $500 million, among other decisions at its July meeting, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.

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NCUA Board to Consider Strategic Plan

NCUA Board to Consider Strategic Plan

Among other issues, the NCUA board will consider the agency’s 2022-2026 Strategic Plan at its July 22 meeting, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.

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