Web Design: Let’s Get Down to the Nitty Gritty
While it’s important to consider the whole picture when planning out a website, designer Travis Root warns to not let focusing on the whole picture be an excuse to avoid diving into the nitty gritty.
The Keys to a Successful Member Onboarding Process
How is your credit union welcoming new members? What processes do you have set up? Victoria Thornton urges credit unions to reach out regularly through a number of channels to update and inform new members.
Read This Not That: Tips for Capturing Your Reader’s Attention
When it comes to sending out emails, whether to members or staff, it may seem pretty straightforward. But if you want to really capture your readers attention, there are some steps you can take improve your communication quality. Andrew Macmillan has the good stuff.
Don’t Let Your Marketing and Design Be Afterthoughts
As Marketing Administrator Megan Tenbusch knows, branding, marketing, and design can make or break your credit union. Thankfully, she has some tips and advice for getting the most out of your efforts.
Now is the Time to Invest in Your Website
Web Developer Kurt Hansen lays out the reasons why your credit union’s website, if designed properly, is your most powerful and essential tool in a COVID-19 world.
Building a Corporate Brand Through Personal Branding
In the second installment of her series on branding, Julie Gessner dives into the relationship between personal and corporate brands and how developing one can set the foundation for the other.
The Importance of Email Testing
There are numerous ways to share information with your members, but email is by far the most effective and widely used. Victoria Thornton shares some best practices for sending mass marketing emails, and why its essential to test before you send.
Don’t Let Your Nephew Build Your Website
Marketing Manager Peter Meyers delves into the method behind designing new credit union websites, some of the common pitfalls credit unions fall into, and why you shouldn’t let your nephew take the reins.