Top 10 CUSO Magazine Articles of 2024
As we move into 2025, the CUSO Magazine team took a moment to reflect on 2024 by sharing the most widely read articles of the year.
Proven Practices to Drive Growth
Kevin Mummau of Atria Wealth offers proven strategies to help your credit union grow its member base and embrace new technologies to help meet your goals.
Dreams Can Be Dangerous
What dreams will credit unions foster: those of the members of those of the institution? Chip Filson warns that dreams can be dangerous when they fall out of line with our values.
False Prophets and Chasing Idols
Chip Filson shares the wisdom of past leaders and urges today’s credit union leaders not to follow the call of false idols, but to follow their conscience in preserving the credit union difference.
New White Paper from Co-op Solutions Provides a Blueprint for Building Member-Centric Growth Strategies
Co-op Solutions has unveiled a new industry white paper designed to help credit unions both plan and execute their own highly effective member-centricity strategies.
The Unnecessary Euthanizing of Credit Unions
Your Marketing Co. CEO Bo McDonald responds to Todd Marksberry’s recent article on mergers, and argues that merging should be the last resort for financially viable “boutique” credit unions. Foresight and a solid succession plan should be the first order of business to protect the interests of the credit union’s members, instead of its managers.
It’s Not About Growing Bigger, It’s About How We Can Grow Together
Credit union mergers have received a lot of negative attention in recent years. Canvas Credit Union CEO Todd Marksberry argues that mergers can be both a viable growth strategy and a means of better serving credit union communities.
Do Small Credit Unions Matter? Should They? Will They?
Does the disappearance of the “small” credit union signal bad things to come for the industry? Chip Filson looks at the trends and suggests setting our sights back on the small to restock the pond.
Experts Predicting Doom: A Perennial Practice
Predicting the potential doom of a thing is easy. Predicting its certain doom is silly. Chip Filson suggests listening to doomsayers for warnings, then moving forward towards progress.
Merger or Acquisition: The Importance of Word Selection
Merger, acquisition, are they really that different? Chip Filson thinks so, and says bank acquisitions are not in the interest of existing members.
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