With a Little Help from Our Friends: What Credit Unions Can Do to Prepare for Cannabis Banking Partnerships
As the future of credit unions’ relationship with cannabis businesses lies in the hands of Congress, Stacy Brower details ways for credit unions to prepare for these accounts, should the SAFE Act pass.
Cybersecurity: Tips from Experts
Julie Gessner interviews a panel of cybersecurity experts to get answers to some of your biggest questions and discusses what steps you can take to protect your credit union and your members.
CUNA Renews Call to Exempt Credit Unions from CECL
CUNA last week renewed its effort to convince the Financial Accounting Standards Board to amend the controversial Current Expected Credit Losses standard, contending that credit unions should not have to comply with it, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
When Leaders Lack Confidence in Their Organization
Chip Filson scrutinizes the NCUA’s new Risk-Based Capital rule and the unsettling realization that these new guidelines may signal from the board a lack of faith in their own organization.
New CU*Answers CEO Geoff Johnson Shares His Optimism for the Credit Union Industry
As he prepared to step into his new role as CEO of CU*Answers, Geoff Johnson sat down with the CUSO Magazine team to discuss the paths that led him here, his thoughts on the industry, and what he envisions for CU*Answers in the coming years.
Differentiating Types of Malware
As part of October’s cybersecurity month, Keegan Krajniak delves into the different types of malware and the various ways they work to get your members’ information.
Harper: Exams Demonstrate Need for Consumer Protection Focus
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports that citing deficiencies that NCUA examiners found during the past year, board Chairman Todd Harper renewed his call for the agency to develop a separate consumer protection examination. His remarks came during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Banking Committee.
Communi7y Crew Hosts Pop Up With Local Nonprofit Beer City Dog Biscuits
The Community Crew hosted Beer City Dog Biscuits for a pop up event at CU*Answers, raising over $450 for the non-profit organization. Rachel Nesloney shares details of the fundraiser.
Randy Karnes Reflects on Twenty-Seven Years of the Cooperative Difference
CU*Answers’ Randy Karnes sits down with CUSO Magazine to reflect on his time as CEO of the cooperative CUSO, what’s next for him, and his thoughts on what’s to come for the organization and credit union industry.
Do Small Credit Unions Matter? Should They? Will They?
Does the disappearance of the “small” credit union signal bad things to come for the industry? Chip Filson looks at the trends and suggests setting our sights back on the small to restock the pond.