Elder Financial Exploitation: How to Detect and Respond
Scams and fraud targeting the elderly are more prevalent than ever, so how can credit unions be on the lookout for suspicious activity regarding their older members? Marvin Johnson shares some red flags to look out for and how to take action.
Can Elections Indicate an Organization’s Relevance for its Members?
Chip Filson analyzes the overwhelming and enthusiastic response to cooperative Inclusiv’s board member election and calls on credit unions to reflect on their own elections and how they might create more interest.
NCUA Board Treads Lightly on Climate Change Risks
Under fire from farm state elected officials, the National Credit Union Administration board emphasized at its March meeting that the agency will not micromanage credit union policies as credit unions consider the risks of climate change. Other issues were also discussed, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
Leadership Topics: The Power of the Pause
Continuing her series on executive leadership, Alycia Meyers conveys the importance of stepping back and taking time to reflect and think before acting.
Twelve Mini Data Projects to Optimize Your Credit Union
BlueOx Credit Union Data Analytics Specialist George Hopper knows that data can get away from you without regular clean up. He offers twelve mini projects to ensure your credit union isn’t sweeping potential messes under the rug.
Board Entrenchment and the Question of Compensation and Term Limits
Credit unions struggle with finding new board members, but that might be the design of an entrenched board of directors. Esteban Camargo discusses the risks of director entrenchment and what leaders might do to combat it.
House Dem Credit Union Bill Has Bankers, CUs Fired Up
As the House Financial Services Committee prepares to consider legislation that would allow all federal credit unions to add underserved areas to their fields of membership, the war of words between banks and credit unions has ratcheted up once again, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
Top Five Reasons Your Credit Union Should Be Using Online Forms
Is your credit union taking advantage of online forms? Kristian Daniel argues you should be and explains what benefits they offer your members and your credit union.
The Temptations and Drawbacks of a Secondary Loan System
CU*Answers CEO Geoff Johnson discusses the draw of a secondary loan origination system and its promises of customization, specialization, and an increase in loan volumes. Should credit unions join in the trend or be wary of all they promise?
Why Latino Community Credit Union Matters Today
Chip Filson discusses the chartering of Latino Community Credit Union back in 2000 and the way in which it has since exemplified the foundation on which cooperatives are built.