Losing the Love: Reaching More Than Disengaged Members
Don’t wait for a member to close their account before reaching out and engaging, says data analyst Sarah Ashby. The time to reach out is now, and your data can help you figure out where to start.
Connecting Personally and Authentically With Members
Credit unions are meant to have a genuine care for their members and communities, but too often, that whittles down to nothing more than a marketing tactic. Emily Claus discusses how to balance the need for growth and digital methods with building a personal connection.
Data Presentation: It’s Not All About Making It Pretty
Data analyst Sarah Ashby warns against getting lost in the aesthetics of data presentation, which can often overshadow or even hinder the true point the data is meant to convey.
NCUA and CFPB Considering Overdraft, Late Fee Proposals
The NCUA has announced it will consider the long-dreaded proposals on changing the way credit unions charge late fees and overdrafts, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.
Rating Examiners for a Stronger Cooperative System
While private businesses have incorporated user reviews to improve satisfaction, but few such examples exist between governor and governed. Chip Filson argues why credit unions needs a way to review examiners to improve the system.
Tyndall Federal Credit Union’s Giveback Campaign Reinvents Profit Sharing
The methods behind profit sharing can be a bit of a mystery for members, who typically have no clue as to why they receive the amounts they do. Tyndall FCU decided to remove the mystery and show members exactly how they can earn, resulting in more money going directly into members’ hands.
Top 10 CUSO Magazine Articles of 2022
As we move into 2023, the CUSO Magazine team took a moment to reflect on 2022 by sharing the most widely read articles of the year.
House Report into PPP Loan Fraud Points the Blame at FinTechs
In December, the House released the findings of their investigation into PPP fraud and found that FinTechs were guilty of failing to protect against fraudulent loans and even sometimes knowingly pushing said loans through in turn for a profit. Emily Claus reports.
Rebranding Your Credit Union: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
Rebranding your credit union can sound appealing, but are you ready for it? We asked credit unions CEOs why their respective credit unions rebranded in the last decade and whether it has been a positive change.
Don’t Let Your Strongest Asset Become a Weakest Link
It is easy to overlook or ignore single points of failure in your business. Jim Vilker discusses why it’s best to address them before they become a major liability.