The Need for “Around-The-Clock” Customer Service
Living the nine to five life can make it difficult to do business with your credit union. Kasey Hawkins sees the need for around-the-clock customer service, and she has a few ideas on how her (and your) credit union can achieve that.
What Credit Unions Can Learn from Bank Purchases
Why do bank shareholders get a better deal during an acquisition by a credit union than member-owners in a credit union merger? Chip Filson breaks down the financial details of the two, and wonders why merged credit union owners get a raw deal.
The Evolution of Currency: Person-to-Person Payments
From bartering how many how many apples a sheep is worth to sending payments electronically via our phones, person-to-person transactions have come a long way. Nicole Cooper discusses the benefits of these new methods, and how credit unions and members can get the most out of them.
NCUA Approves Bloated Budget Without Adjustments for Industry Complaints
Is the NCUA’s comment period just a dog and pony show? Vic Pantea might think so. He recaps the NCUA’s December board meeting and the approval of a budget that didn’t factor in complaints from the industry.
New Year, New You, and New CU Too!
Peter Meyers says New Year’s resolutions aren’t limited to people, credit unions can have them too! Set your credit union up for a decade of progress and success by refocusing on the seven cooperative principles credit unions stand for.
A FinTech Prospecting Tool: Product Hunt
Can credit unions learn from Product Hunt’s democratized approach to user feedback? Chip Filson thinks so. Read why innovation in Silicon Valley can be a model for credit union opportunities.
The New Capital: Member Data
Chip Filson covers member data as the “new capital” and why credit unions should be teaching members to protect and value their own data.
Michigan Credit Unions Buy Back Medical Debt for Over 3,000 Community Members
Jim Smith details how nine Michigan credit unions banded together to provide medical debt forgiveness for over 3,000 community members, proving that the true focus of credit unions is all about people.
Is Your Credit Union Helping You Plan for Retirement?
Is your credit union going above and beyond to help you properly manage and save for retirement, or simply offering the same as everyone else? Barb Cooper needed more from her retirement accounts – and she found it.
Are You Doing Your Imaging Due Diligence?
There’s always room for error, even with the best systems. That’s why John Beauchamp wants to make sure you’re doing your imaging due diligence, so you’re ready for whatever comes your way.