A 50th Anniversary “Framing Story”: Tomorrow—We’ll Meet You There

A 50th Anniversary “Framing Story”: Tomorrow—We’ll Meet You There

Chip Filson shares his thoughts on the 50th anniversary of cooperative CUSO CU*Answers and the message they sent to owners.

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How Cooperatives Cause Disruption In Any Industry

How Cooperatives Cause Disruption In Any Industry

As cooperatives, credit unions are well aware of the ways they benefit to members. The same can be said of the cooperatives that serve those same credit unions, says CUSO Magazine Supervising Editor Esteban Camargo.

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Field of Membership: a Regulatory Vestigial Organ

Field of Membership: a Regulatory Vestigial Organ

Chip Filson ponders the ancient practice known as “field of membership” and discusses the numerous options open to potential members willing to go beyond field of membership.

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Eight Steps to Make Your Credit Union a Stress-Free Work Environment

Eight Steps to Make Your Credit Union a Stress-Free Work Environment

Employees are only as good as the environment in which they work. HR expert Amber Overla shares some ways to improve the work environment to get more out of your teams.

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Students: Enrolling the Next Generation of Members

Students: Enrolling the Next Generation of Members

With credit union numbers dwindling and de novo efforts few and far between, Chip Filson looks at one area of the country where new ground might be made again: schools.

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Credit Union Merger Voting Turnout Paints Ugly Picture

Credit Union Merger Voting Turnout Paints Ugly Picture

Are credit unions really democratic institutions when less than ten percent of the membership can vote away that institution’s existence? Chip Filson wonders whether credit union cooperative design has eroded of the years.

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Why We Stand Up

Why We Stand Up

Bob Anderson and his team are ready to stand up for you and your credit union–are you ready to stand up for your members? Anderson details why stand up meetings are essential and how they benefit your team and clients.

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Internal Controls: A Trusted System Tops a Trusted Employee

Internal Controls: A Trusted System Tops a Trusted Employee

How are some individuals able to conceal millions of dollars in fraudulent activity at their credit unions? Keri Lillie explains how trusting employees can be riskier than trusting the system you’ve built around them.

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Continuity at the Core: Resilience Starts with Awareness

Continuity at the Core: Resilience Starts with Awareness

Continuing his series on the importance of business continuity, Jim Lawrence discussed perhaps the most essential step of the process: training and educating your team.

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eStatement Notifications: Useful or Useless?

eStatement Notifications: Useful or Useless?

Dawn Moore reflects over the history of electronic statements and ponders what purpose – if any – they currently serve for members.

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