New Chairman of Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supports Cannabis Banking
Representative Andy Barr, a Republican from Kentucky’s 6th district, was chosen to lead the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy, which was previously known as the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions, reports Esteban Camargo.
Rebranding Your Credit Union: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
Rebranding your credit union can sound appealing, but are you ready for it? We asked credit unions CEOs why their respective credit unions rebranded in the last decade and whether it has been a positive change.
NCUA Responds to Budget Criticism by Cutting $6.7 Million from Planned 2023 Increase
In response to the vocal criticism of the proposed 9.6% increase to NCUA’s operating budget for 2023, the board finalized its spending plan with $6.7 million cut from the final numbers reports Esteban Camargo.
Protect Your Credit Union’s Future with a People Development Life Cycle
What is your credit union’s long term vision for its staff? CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo discusses why you need a People Development Life Cycle to manage succession events and protect the future of your organization.
NCUA Doubles Down on Budget Needs Citing Fraud
Citing an increase of fraud found during onsite examinations, NCUA Chair Todd Harper continues to argue for the need of in person audits and the budget to go with them.
NCUA’s Spooky Budget Increase Could Be Curbed By Expanding, Not Reducing, Remote Examinations
NCUA proposed a big increase to its operating budget in 2023, and many have come out in opposition. Esteban Camargo provides a little detail on the budget proposal, responses to it, and why the NCUA should reconsider its plans.
An Engineer, a Designer, and a Business Manager Walk into a Bar…
When it comes to balancing engineering with design and business management, the best approach may be the most challenging: cooperation. Esteban Camargo describes the varying perspectives of the development process and why no one viewpoint should stand above the rest.
Coming to a Credit Union Near You: NCUA Examiners
Tuesday, September 20, Chairman Todd Harper published a letter to federally insured credit unions announcing that the organization would be entering Phase 3 of its onsite operations plan, originally announced back in June 2020 in the midst of the global pandemic, reports Esteban Camargo.
The Credit Card Competition Act is Drawing Criticism from Credit Union Trade Groups
A new bill from Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) introduced in late July, the Credit Card Competition Act, is drawing the attention of the credit union industry, and not in a good way reports Esteban Camargo.
NCUA to Receive Third-Party Oversight with New Bill Introduced
In a move opposed by credit union trade groups, Senators Jon Ossoff, D-GA, Cynthia Lummis, R-WY, and Mark Warner, D-VA, introduced a new bill that would provide NCUA with oversight powers over credit union organizations and service providers, reports CUSO Magazine’s Esteban Camargo.