Scale and the Law of Diminishing Returns

Scale and the Law of Diminishing Returns

What can Houston’s highway system teach credit unions? Chip Filson says sometimes seeking scale to solve perceived issues can have unintended consequences.

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Football and Credit Unions: Two Past Regulatory Reforms That Are Foundational Today

Football and Credit Unions: Two Past Regulatory Reforms That Are Foundational Today

What do college football and credit unions have in common? According to Chip Filson, a history of being saved thanks to the collaboration of those invested in the outcome.

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Does Common Bond Matter Anymore?

Does Common Bond Matter Anymore?

Today, fields of membership with limited scopes have been replaced with the more generalized community charter. Chip Filson looks at the evolution of the common bond and what we can learn from it.

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A Question of Leadership

A Question of Leadership

Chip Filson asks a seemingly simple question: What makes a leader? In his opinion, the answer is and should be different for the cooperative system.

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Thoughts on Mergers: The Tallest Candlestick Ain’t Much Good Without a Wick

Thoughts on Mergers: The Tallest Candlestick Ain’t Much Good Without a Wick

Is the race to merge folly? Chip Filson believes that by discarding member focus and legacy for the sake of growth we undermine the public’s faith in cooperative design. And that might spell disaster for credit unions in the long run.

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The Cooperative System’s Unique Capabilities In a Crisis

The Cooperative System’s Unique Capabilities In a Crisis

Cooperatives are uniquely positioned to respond well to crises thanks to their ownership structure and mission. But responding well takes more than just that. Chip Filson details what credit unions and their leaders need to do in those situations.

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Central Liquidity Facility: The One Thing Necessary

Central Liquidity Facility: The One Thing Necessary

If the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) and Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) are both “lenders of last resort” why is the CLF deemed so unappealing? How is the FHLB system so much more relevant for credit unions than their own liquidity backstop? Chip Filson might know why.

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NCUA’s Leadership in an Emergency

NCUA’s Leadership in an Emergency

What is the role of the NCUA in an emergency? Chip Filson argues that the less they involve themselves, the better off the industry will be.

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Presenting the Right Message About Credit Unions in Today’s Crisis

Presenting the Right Message About Credit Unions in Today’s Crisis

Credit unions facing an economic downturn need to avoid being swayed by the doomsayers, says Chip Filson. The most important thing for credit unions is in how they respond.

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The Greatest Generation: What They Did for Credit Unions

The Greatest Generation: What They Did for Credit Unions

As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE-Day, Chip Filson reflects on other contributions made by the Greatest Generation that helped shape the future of America.

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