The Housing Market Nightmare: How We Got Here and How Credit Unions Can Help
It’s no secret that the current housing market in the US is a nightmare. With limited inventory and skyrocketing prices, competition is steep and affordability is a struggle. So where do credit unions come in? Vivian Colligan has a few ideas.
Federal Housing Administration Gains Support for Forty-Year Mortgage Proposal
As the comment period for the 40-year mortgage proposal made by the Federal Housing Administration drew to a close, NAFCU and CUNA voiced their support, reports Esteban Camargo.
The Summit Federal Credit Union to Offer Innovative Student Lending Solutions
The Summit Federal Credit Union announced that it has partnered with Credit Union Student Choice to offer its members education lending solutions.
New Bill Aims to Prevent the SBA From Becoming a Direct Lender
Republicans have introduced a new bill to congress that aims to scale back the Small Business Association’s lending abilities, leaving a gap for credit unions to fill in the lending sphere. Emily Claus details the contents of the bill as well as CUNA’s endorsement of it.
Twelve Mini Data Projects to Optimize Your Credit Union
BlueOx Credit Union Data Analytics Specialist George Hopper knows that data can get away from you without regular clean up. He offers twelve mini projects to ensure your credit union isn’t sweeping potential messes under the rug.
The Temptations and Drawbacks of a Secondary Loan System
CU*Answers CEO Geoff Johnson discusses the draw of a secondary loan origination system and its promises of customization, specialization, and an increase in loan volumes. Should credit unions join in the trend or be wary of all they promise?
Takeaways from the 2021 CU*Answers Leadership Conference
CU*Answers held its Annual Leadership Conference discussing the future of the industry and of CU*Answers as it moves forward into 2022. Check out the key takeaways from each section of the event!
What Bubble?
Chip Filson thinks current market conditions have been seen before, harkening back to the 70s just before the inflation crisis. How would credit unions weather the storm should it hit again?
Credit Union Trade Groups Endorse Proposed CUSO Rule While Consumer Groups Argue Would Authorize Predatory Lending
Two stories from David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily: Saying that the NCUA’s current rule governing Credit Union Service Organizations is sorely outdated and hampers innovation, CUNA and NAFCU are calling on the agency board to finalize an updated regulation. The National Credit Union Administration’s proposed Credit Union Service Organization rule would allow CUSOs to become predatory payday lenders that could make loans that far exceed the interest rate in the Federal Credit Union Act, consumer groups are warning.
Top Sales Employee of the Year Goes to… the Business Intelligence Analyst?
Deb Slavens of BlueOx Credit Union reflects on how an unconventional year led to innovative business ideas from her business analytics team, specifically in the creation of their 1-Click Credit Card Offer program.