Readying Relevance: How IRFCU Dares to Innovate with Their Community
Nathan Anderson sat down with CEO of Ingersoll Rand Federal Credit Union, Thomas Mitchell, to learn more about his credit union’s commitment to staying relevant in their communities and how they followed through on that promise.
Investing in FinTechs and CUSOs to Increase Technological Capabilities
As the need for new technologies and faster innovation rises, credit unions can be tempted to merge with larger credit unions that can achieve those goals. However, there are alternatives to consider and partnerships that can bring value to the credit union and the member without the loss of a credit union. Emily Claus shares insight on how investing in CUSOs and FinTechs can increase your credit union’s technological capabilities.
Credit Unions and the Consolidation Curve
Credit union mergers have been at the forefront of news for years now, with industry professionals expressing disappointment and concern over the trend. But are mergers a worrisome sign or simply a symptom of a much larger trend at play? Emily Claus reports on the Consolidation Curve and where we our industry fits into it.
CUSO Identifies Opportunity in Underutilized Credit Union Owner Investment Authority
The multi-credit union-owned operational services CUSO, Xtend, analyzed the available CUSO investment dollars represented in its credit union owners. Vic Pantea explains the results of the analysis and the opportunities possible, and why more credit unions should be taking them.
Supporting Service Vendor Diversity as a CUSO
As CUSOs, we often like to believe our line of products and services are the best fit for everyone. However, as Bob Anderson suggests, one size does often not always fit all, and offering a wide selection of vendors to choose from can only benefit your credit unions in the long run.
Strategies to Avoid Mergers: Economies of Scale
When merging, credit unions often cite a lack of scale and economic capability. Liz Winninger and Vic Pantea discuss ways CUSOs can offer support these credit unions to help combat the rise of mergers in the industry.
Strategies to Avoid Mergers: Adopting a Broker Model
Credit union consolidation and mergers pose a threat to the industry’s many CUSOs and vendors, say Liz Winninger and Victor Pantea. Assisting credit unions in adopting a broker-like model, they argue, can help credit unions increase their product and service offerings and potentially avoid mergers altogether.
Do It Yourself Or Do It Together?
Thomas Hull discusses the decision-making behind when a credit union should tackle something on its own versus when it should rely on its network.
NetGiver welcomes Glynn Frechette as new CRO
NetGiver announces Glynn Frechette as the new Chief Revenue Officer for the Minnesota based CUSO. With an extensive history serving both the financial and philanthropic spaces, Glynn’s experience with top-line revenue growth, leadership, and internal innovation joins NetGiver at a pivotal point of scale.
Unlocking the Power of Financial Ratios Part Two
Continuing their series on financial ratios, Bob Frizzle, Patrick Sickels, and Christen Lipschutz share a few additional ratio tools to utilize looking to determine a CUSO’s financial stability.