Affinity Credit Union Offers Free Youth Savings Accounts In Celebration of National Credit Union Youth Month

Affinity Credit Union Offers Free Youth Savings Accounts In Celebration of National Credit Union Youth Month

In celebration of Nation Credit Union Youth Month, Affinity CU is offering free youth savings accounts along with other various rewards.

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Can Elections Indicate an Organization’s Relevance for its Members?

Can Elections Indicate an Organization’s Relevance for its Members?

Chip Filson analyzes the overwhelming and enthusiastic response to cooperative Inclusiv’s board member election and calls on credit unions to reflect on their own elections and how they might create more interest.

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Top Five Reasons Your Credit Union Should Be Using Online Forms

Top Five Reasons Your Credit Union Should Be Using Online Forms

Is your credit union taking advantage of online forms? Kristian Daniel argues you should be and explains what benefits they offer your members and your credit union.

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Why Latino Community Credit Union Matters Today

Why Latino Community Credit Union Matters Today

Chip Filson discusses the chartering of Latino Community Credit Union back in 2000 and the way in which it has since exemplified the foundation on which cooperatives are built.

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When Will You Need Data-Driven Strategies?

When Will You Need Data-Driven Strategies?

Your credit union may not have a critical need for a data analyst right now, but should you really wait until race day to start working with data-driven strategies? Thomas Hull argues why you should get your credit union off the couch and start data training.

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Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Know Who is Earning Dividends

Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Know Who is Earning Dividends

Keegan Daniel explains the benefits of knowing which of your members are getting dividends and which are not, and how this data can allow you to better serve both your credit union and its members.

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Overdraft Class Actions: What Credit Unions Need to Know in 2022

Overdraft Class Actions: What Credit Unions Need to Know in 2022

With class-action overdraft lawsuits on the rise, Patrick Sickels explains how credit unions can get into trouble with fees and ambiguous phrasing and what steps you can take to protect your credit union.

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Socializing the Credit Union

Socializing the Credit Union

Keegan Krajniak urges credit unions to take a step back from the new technology and streamlined processes and reflect on how they are investing in their communities and their members as people.

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CU Pride Strives to Increase LGBTQ Representation in the Credit Union Industry

CU Pride Strives to Increase LGBTQ Representation in the Credit Union Industry

Linda Bodie, Chief + Innovator of Element Federal Credit Union, went two decades without coming across another LGBTQ+ member in the credit union industry. Now, she’s a co-founder of CU Pride, an organization for LGBTQ+ credit union employees. Emily Claus sat down with Bodie to learn more about the organization’s creation and goals.

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The Summit’s Virtual Branch Becomes One Of the Most Popular Services Offered

The Summit’s Virtual Branch Becomes One Of the Most Popular Services Offered

Since its launch in July 2021, The Summit Federal Credit Union’s Virtual Branch has become one of the most popular services offered by one of New York’s leading credit unions.

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