A Cooperative Community Park
Cooperatives know going it alone isn’t necessary. Chip Filson shares how six cooperatives, including three credit unions, combined resources to create a community park.
Bankers Say NCUA Subordinated Debt Rule Undermines Credit Union Mission
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports that the Independent Community Bankers of America and the American Bankers Association have criticized the National Credit Union Administration for a final rule allowing low-income, complex and new credit unions to issue subordinated debt.
When Vision is Lost: Difficile Est Bonum Esse
As we celebrate this holiday season, Chip Filson reminds us that doing good is very hard, but ultimately worth it. Sustained vision is difficult to maintain, but it’s not impossible and we have an obligation to our founding principles to fight for that vision.
The Key to Credit Unions’ Future: Trust Each Other
Chip Filson says an often overlooked element of the credit union model is the trust and involvement of regular member-owners in their credit union. By placing more trust in the member-owner, we are strengthening our credit unions, not burdening them.
A Question of Leadership
Chip Filson asks a seemingly simple question: What makes a leader? In his opinion, the answer is and should be different for the cooperative system.
Coronavirus: What Credit Unions Can Do For Their Members
Coronavirus is affecting members’ lives far and wide. CUSO Mag Editor Esteban Camargo reminds credit unions they’ve been in the position of providing emergency assistance before, and provides some suggestions for those looking to help.
New Year, New You, and New CU Too!
Peter Meyers says New Year’s resolutions aren’t limited to people, credit unions can have them too! Set your credit union up for a decade of progress and success by refocusing on the seven cooperative principles credit unions stand for.
The Seven Cooperative Principles: a Primer
Do you know what the 7 Cooperative Principles are? Julie Gessner shares some insights from a recent conference and explains how important it is for credit unions to stay attuned to them.
Community Crew Provides Basics to Children in Need – Even Superman Had Foster Parents
CU*Answers’ Communi7y Crew recently led a backpack drive in which members of the cooperative CUSO filled empty backpacks with needed clothes and accessories for children entering a new foster home.
A History of Credit Unions Part 2: An American Tale
We continue from part 1 of our History of Credit Unions series by following credit unions from their origins in Europe to how they got their start in Canada and eventually the United States. Who lead the way? Find out here!