Central Liquidity Facility: The One Thing Necessary
If the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) and Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) are both “lenders of last resort” why is the CLF deemed so unappealing? How is the FHLB system so much more relevant for credit unions than their own liquidity backstop? Chip Filson might know why.
Things On Your “To Do” List You Wish You Had Done
NACUSO’s Denise Wymore ponders the reasoning behind credit union’s slow adaptation of new technologies and systems, and why we found ourselves on the less prepared end of the coronavirus pandemic.
Mitigating Brute Force BIN Attacks
What can credit unions do to prevent or mitigate losses from brute force BIN attacks? Audit and compliance expert Jim Vilker and EFT expert Heather French explain what a brute force BIN attack is and what credit unions can do to limit the damage.
The Student Loan Crisis: How Credit Unions Come Into Play
We’re all familiar with the student loan crisis, but how did it reach the level it’s at now, and how do credit unions fit into the scenario? Barb Cooper takes a look back at the history of student loans and where the future might lead.
Necessity Is the Mother of…Cutting Through Red Tape?
In a follow-up to his previous article on eNotarization, John Beauchamp reveals what changes coronavirus has brought to the electronic document game, and if we can expect these changes to last beyond the pandemic.
Does Your Credit Union Mobile App Hold Up to Scrutiny?
Apple is a tough critic when it comes to accepting mobile apps on their store, from the icon you use to the internal design, it’s all heavily scrutinized. Having been through this process himself, Kristian Daniel lays out some of the common reasons mobile apps are rejected, and how to help yours pass inspection.
NCUA’s Leadership in an Emergency
What is the role of the NCUA in an emergency? Chip Filson argues that the less they involve themselves, the better off the industry will be.
Using Audits as Assets
Audits don’t have to be scary, nor do they have to be without rewards. Chief Financial Officer Bob Frizzle shows you how to get the most out of your audits and turn the inconvenience into an asset.
The Five Keys to Good Customer Service Part Two: The Customer May Not Always Be Right, But Neither Are You
“The customer is always right” is a saying as old as time, though it’s certainly not always accurate. Client Service Representative Morgan VanEnk reminds customers and workers alike that neither one is always correct, and working together is the best way to get any problem solved.
The Key to Internal Fraud Controls? Get Back to the Basics
Due to recent high profile embezzlement cases, Jim Vilker argues that what the industry really needs is to slow down, check all the boxes, and get back to the basics of internal auditing.