Sales (and Life) Lessons from the Golf Course
Taking inspiration from a childhood story, Scott Collins reflects on how the lessons he’s learned on the golf course translate to lessons in sales.
Are Your Design Tools Actually Hurting You?
Big companies such as Microsoft and Adobe offer big discounts and convenience for purchasing their product set as a whole, but is depending on one set of products putting you at risk? Travis Root says yes.
Continuity at the Core: Continuity Strategies
In part three of his series on business continuity, Jim Lawrence discusses strategies in four distinct areas of your credit union to help eliminate downtime and stay on a budget.
The Importance of Email Testing
There are numerous ways to share information with your members, but email is by far the most effective and widely used. Victoria Thornton shares some best practices for sending mass marketing emails, and why its essential to test before you send.
The Cooperative System’s Unique Capabilities In a Crisis
Cooperatives are uniquely positioned to respond well to crises thanks to their ownership structure and mission. But responding well takes more than just that. Chip Filson details what credit unions and their leaders need to do in those situations.
The Value of a Data Analyst
Sarah Ashby argues that analyzing data is no longer optional when it comes to a credit union’s success and that credit unions are under utilizing their most valuable tool: the data analyst.
Think Writing’s Important? Think Again. It’s Even More Valuable Than You Thought!
Writing shouldn’t just be a skill, it should be a core competency of your organization. Dawn Moore questions whether your credit union truly grasps the importance of writing, and suggests ways to have it play a bigger role.
Things to Consider When Switching Form Vendors
There are a number of reasons a credit union might look to make a switch when it comes to their form vendor, but what should they consider before taking the plunge? Nick Hawkins has a few ideas.
Too Small to Survive and Too Big to Fail
Michigan Legacy Credit Union CEO Carma Peters strives to break down the double standards between credit unions deemed too small to survive and those too big to fail along with discrediting the idea that any credit union under $250 million is doomed to merge or disappear.