Credit Unions Say SBA Has Improved Management of PPP Lending, But That Problems Persist
The second iteration of the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program is operating much more efficiently than the first version, credit union trade groups said, but added that they continue to run into persistent problems that hamper lenders and borrowers, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
eStatement Notifications: Useful or Useless?
Dawn Moore reflects over the history of electronic statements and ponders what purpose – if any – they currently serve for members.
What Airline Disasters Teach Us About Decision Making Under Stress
Are credit unions staying situationally close-minded by using mergers as the only way out of a “bad” situation? NACUSO’s Denise Wymore thinks so, and suggests that the industry needs to look up from the blinking lights to find alternative means of succeeding.
A Simple Solution for NCUSIF Revenue
Chip Filson dives into the numbers to evaluate the NCUA’s management of the NCUSIF, and whether changes should be made to their current investment strategy.
Taking Action Is the Most Important Step of Utilizing Data
Data analyst Sarah Ashby stresses the importance of asking questions and taking action on your data, not just collecting it for the sake of knowledge.
Behind the Scenes of Quality Control
Vice President of Quality Control Mary VanAntwerp offers a special look behind the curtains of her department to reveal the secrets of software development and testing.
Would Your Electronic Document Process Take You to the Championship?
Coach Kyle Karnes wants to make sure your credit union team – and your electronic documents process – is ready to not just make it all the way to the big game, but take home the trophy.
CUNA Continues Push for Liability Protection from Coronavirus Lawsuits
CUNA signed a letter with hundreds of other organizations urging Congress to include temporary coronavirus liability protection in any new economic stimulus legislation, reports David Baumann of the Washington Credit Union Daily.
Make It Or Break It: How to Use Charts to Communicate Your Message
When attempting to convey data through charts, using the right form and medium is essential to effective communication. Mike Warren is here to help guide you to the right format and make your presentation a success.
Five Strategies for Internal Data Monetization
Data management can be expensive, but it’s worth it when you’re getting value from it. Data Analyst Thomas Hull shares a few ways credit unions can use their data to increase revenue and decrease expenses.