How Credit Unions Can Maximize Auto Loan Growth with Vehicle Protection Offerings
As auto industry sees increasing interest rates and rising used car sales, Mark Edmundson urges credit unions to reconsider their current strategy and offer asset protection to their members for the benefit of both the member and the credit union.
The Evolving Approach to Changing Your Core Processor
Scott Collins and Chris Smigiel discuss the ways in which credit unions approach shopping for a new core data processor and the due diligence required have evolved over the last few decades.
As the NCUA Calls for Comments on Climate Change, Credit Unions and Agencies Push Back
As the NCUA calls for comments on climate change and conducts research into how it may effect federally-insured credit unions, a few agencies and credit union executives are pushing back, arguing the NCUA is ignoring bigger priorities, reports Emily Claus.
Managing, Validating, and Protecting Your Data
Data is essential to credit union operations, but sloppy handling of data can make utilizing it difficult and inefficient—and when unprotected, can lead to data loss. Data Analyst Tabitha Pierce shares practical advice on how to manage and safeguard your data.
The Rise of Multi-Factor Authentication and its Role in Cyber Liability Insurance
As cyber liability insurance carriers recover from losses after increased ransomware attacks, the demand for multi-factor authentication has not only risen, but organizations may now be denied insurance if they lack appropriate security measures, says Patrick Sickels.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Creating a team and setting them to work is not enough to ensure its success, argues Julie Gessner. Great teams are developed by building a culture of trust and collaboration that is guided by a strong mission statement for the credit union.
State-Chartered Credit Unions Sign Cooperation Agreement
Ten state credit union regulators have signed a new agreement that will govern how they will share supervision when a state-chartered credit union crosses their borders reports David Baumann.
A College Student’s First Credit Card
Chip Filson shares the story of Marit Hoyem and her experience attempting to get her first credit card as a young college student. Marit passes on what she went through and offers advice to credit unions seeking to make a difference in the lives of their members.
As Credit Card Debt Hits New High, PALs Reassert Their Value for Credit Union Members
QCash’s Seth Brickman discusses how NCUA’s Payday Alternative Loan program can be a boon to members who might otherwise rely on more predatory lending options or the credit cards in their wallets.
Industry Veteran Linda White Transitions from CEO to Executive Director of Credit Union Women’s Leadership Alliance
After serving in the credit union industry for over 37 years, Linda White has hung up her CEO hat and now serves as Executive Director of the Credit Unions Women’s Leadership Alliance. Julie Gessner met with White to discuss her career, lessons learned, and what inspired her to work with the CUWLA.