Lending on Character Rather Than Risk
What happens when you need a loan and it’s outside the lending policy? In Barb Cooper’s case, it meant only that she needed to talk to the credit union and with their help, they got her and her husband on the boat they wanted!
“I’m Not Your Daughter”, and Other Stupid Things You’re Doing
Is a generational approach to marketing the wrong way to approach your members. In so many words… Yes. Xtend CEO Liz Winninger explains why a blanket approach to marketing generations, which themselves contain wide ranges of ages, is a fool’s errand.
What We Learned at RSA: The Big Business of Cybercrime
CU*Answers technical and compliance experts Dave Wordhouse and Patrick Sickels recently attended the RSA Conference to learn about the biggest cybersecurity threats facing credit unions today. In this first of a series, they take a look at the big business that is cybercrime, and the individuals responsible for some of the biggest cyber breaches.
The Logic and Lipstick of GUI Design
Have you ever tried to put lipstick on a pig? Amanda Grieves has, but probably not in the way you’re thinking. Read on to find out what years as a programmer has taught her about graphical user interfaces and how to balance trends with longevity when designing a great GUI.
How Come Dave Ramsey Tells People to Use a Debit Card for Everything…But I Can’t Buy a New Big Screen TV With Mine?
My Beef with Credit Unions — In this CUSO Magazine series, a long-time credit union member and industry insider vents about the decisions credit unions make in their day-to-day operations, and wonders why they take that strategy. In this second edition: why can’t I use my debit card to buy a TV and why won’t the credit union explain why?
Is a Smiley Face a Legal Electronic Signature?
Ever considered what you’d do if you opened up a loan file only to find that the member signed his mortgage with a smiley face? John Beauchamp takes a look at the question “is a smiley face a legal signature”.
Going Back to the Basics to Prevent Embezzlement
A recent high profile embezzlement case has the credit union industry wondering how this could happen. Jim Vilker dives into it and credits part of the failure with a lack of basic oversight and best practices. What could credit unions change now to prevent the preventable?
Your Approach to Online Banking May Leave Your Members Vulnerable
It’s like they always say: cybersecurity is like riding a bike. Wait, what? Read on to find out what a hard crash can teach us about cybersecurity. Are we letting members be good stewards of their digital security or are willingly replacing their ability to be self-reliant with convenience?
The Five Keys to Internet Retailing
What does it take to be a great internet retailer? CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes shares his top 5 traits that every person should have to find success online. So stay aggressive, don’t dally, default to action, and read on!
The CU*Answers Store, a Case Study for Internet Retailing, Proves the Model with Its Two Year Anniversary
What would it look like to turn your credit union website into a digital storefront for your members? CU*Answers reflects on two years of its Online Store, the success it’s achieved and where it hopes to go moving forward.