What Millennials (and Pretty Much Everyone Else) Want

What Millennials (and Pretty Much Everyone Else) Want

Millennials tend to be a bit of a head scratcher when it comes to guessing what will appeal to them the most. Thankfully, Megan Ernsberger has solved the mystery, and as it turns out, they’re just like everyone else!

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What Goes On in a Co-Op’s Suggestion Box?

What Goes On in a Co-Op’s Suggestion Box?

Suggestion boxes have taken many shapes and forms over the years, but what hasn’t changed is how frustrating they can be. Dawn Moore ponders the proper procedure for handling suggestions, especially when you’re the owner.

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Communi7y Crew Hosts Blood Drive

Communi7y Crew Hosts Blood Drive

On October 30th, the Communi7y Crew hosted its 12th annual blood drive, donating enough blood to impact the lives of over fifty patients.

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The Entrepreneurs: Attracting the Next Cohort of Credit Union Leaders

The Entrepreneurs: Attracting the Next Cohort of Credit Union Leaders

Renewing credit union membership with younger generations is important, but so is renewing leadership with young entrepreneurs. Chip Filson discusses the need for more encouragement of young leaders and for the NCUA to loosen the barriers to new credit unions.

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Mergers: a Credit Union Marketplace Trend

Mergers: a Credit Union Marketplace Trend

Mergers are a hot topic in today’s credit union world. Barb Cooper dives into how perception of mergers has changed over time, why a merger strategy might be beneficial, and what steps should go into ensuring success.

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Keeping Emails Clear, Concise, and Eye-Catching

Keeping Emails Clear, Concise, and Eye-Catching

Much like you, your members receive numerous emails everyday, and it can be difficult for emails to not get lost in the shuffle. Thankfully, Andrew Macmillan has the inside scoop on how to make your emails stand out and get noticed.

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Why Do Today’s Credit Union Thought Leadership Topics Create Doubt About the Future?

Why Do Today’s Credit Union Thought Leadership Topics Create Doubt About the Future?

Are today’s credit union thought leaders helping or hurting the industry they hope to inspire? Randy Karnes addresses the risk of piling on expectations and best practices on credit unions, and the anxiety it might be creating.

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The Best Way to Get Familiar With Your Products? Use Them!

The Best Way to Get Familiar With Your Products? Use Them!

Linda Stearns says if you’re offering it, you should be familiar with it. Take advantage of the best hands-on training available and try using your products!

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Credit Unions: the Fight to Stay Relevant

Credit Unions: the Fight to Stay Relevant

As Money 20/20 takes off in Las Vegas this weekend, NACUSO’s Denise Wymore preps to moderate a debate between CU*Answers CEO, Randy Karnes, and Sarah Snell Cooke, of Cooke Consulting Solutions.

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Credit Unions in the ’80s: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Credit Unions in the ’80s: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Times are rapidly changing, and while most eyes are on the future and what’s next, Angie Douglas is looking back at credit unions in the 80’s.

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