When There Were Two National Credit Union Trade Associations
In a post CUNA/NAFCU merger industry, Chip Filson contemplates what might have been lost in the move; namely, a difference of opinion.
Time Management Tips for Project Coordinators
We are all guilty of getting distracted or overwhelmed at work and failing to manage our time as well as we could. But time management is an essential concept, especially for project coordinators. Thankfully, Kasey Olchowski has some pro tips on how to keep yourself organized and on task.
Regulation as a Service
Chip Filson calls for credit union regulation to be separated from the hands of the NCUA and placed back in the hands of experts who can provide it as a service.
How to Build a More Creative Workforce
In an age of productivity and new technology, Alycia Meyers urges credit unions to slow down and take a step back from innovation to focus on creativity, remembering that one cannot happen without the other.
Weathering Changes to Your Payments Platform
Changes to your EFT processor have the potential to disrupt your credit union; leaving you scrounging for information and with an excess of leftover cards. Thankfully, Tim Riordan has some tips to make the process as painless as possible.
Foundation Documents: When Words Matter
In honor of Juneteenth, Chip Filson looks at the foundational documents of America and ponders whether or not credit unions have such documents, and what those documents may say about credit unions.
Email is Out of Control
The constant, never-ending flood of emails most people receive these days often leads to things getting lost in the chaos. Thankfully, Amber Overla offers advice on how to keep your inbox clear and restructure your email patterns.
Exploring the Benefits of Electronic Documentation
In the current digital age, implementing an electronic documentation strategy of some kind is as essential as keeping the lights on. Matt Frizzle shares some of the benefits of adopting such a strategy and how you can get started.
Toastmasters Skills: Time to Tremble, Trust, and Try
Timekeepers, in both Toastmasters and outside of it, play an important role in helping those around them make the most of every moment. Casey Folkertsma shares how you can be a better Timekeeper for yourself and others.
A Credit Union-Like Story: The Bank of Dave
Chip Filson discusses the story (and now film) of Dave Fishwick, a British resident who sought to shake up the financial industry in the UK.