What Credit Unions Can Learn from Morris Plan Banks
Morris Plan banks, which began the same time as credit unions, were the original consumer bank lending success. Their growth far surpassed credit unions. There are none left today. Is there a message for credit unions seeking scale by buying whole banks in this example? Chip Filson looks into the now extinct banks.
Why Aren’t Your Members Attending Your Annual Membership Meeting?
Annual meetings are essential for keeping your member-owners informed and invested in the credit union, so how do you get your members in the door? Melissa Fulgenzi shares her thoughts after attending annual meetings at multiple credit unions.
Experts Predicting Doom: A Perennial Practice
Predicting the potential doom of a thing is easy. Predicting its certain doom is silly. Chip Filson suggests listening to doomsayers for warnings, then moving forward towards progress.
Cracking the Code: Millennials and Gen Z
Figuring out how to market to Millennials and Gen Z seems to be a riddle with no answer, but the code might have finally been cracked. Emily Claus dives into what younger generations want from the financial institutions and how your credit union can get on track.
An Open Secret: NCUA, Oxymorons, and Merger Truths
Could the NCUA really be said to be helping credit unions when in 2014 they published “Truth in Mergers”? Chip Filson points out the oxymorons that litter the publication, and asks whether NCUA will change its tune in the future.
Eleven More Things for Credit Unions to Think About in 2021 and Beyond
In part two of her series on things credit unions need to be thinking about in the coming years, Emily Claus covers business continuity, the slow death of the checking account, and everything in between.
America’s Most Responsible Credit Unions
Should credit unions evaluate themselves not just on their key financial metrics, but also on their cooperative score? Chip Filson sees the need for credit unions to reexamine how they compare themselves against one another.
A Tale of Two Credit Unions: One Member’s Experience in 2020
In response to last week’s article on things credit unions should focus on in 2021, Dawn Moore shares a story of two credit unions and how one excelled in member service during the pandemic while the other sat in silence.
Ten Things for Credit Unions to Think About in 2021 and Beyond
2020 shook up the industry and its future trends all in one go. So what should credit unions focus on now? Emily Claus shares her input on Frank Diekmann’s list for ten things credit unions need to be focusing on in the coming years, as well as sharing ways credit unions can get started.
An Unexpected Surprise From a Competitive Board Election at Frontwave
Chip Filson recounts the recent surprise one credit union faced when it received an unexpected response to a call for board candidates. What can credit unions learn from Frontwave to boost the candidate pools of their own board elections?