Your Results May Vary: The Hidden Price of Customization
Dawn Moore warns credit unions against diving too deep into customization as the result can make shared resources and support materials confusing enough to members that they become useless.
Taxi Medallions in the American Cooperative System
The role of ownership has always been a core aspect of the cooperative model. But if that’s the case, why did the NCUA undermine the right of ownership in the NYC taxi medallion issue? Chip Filson contemplates the ramifications of this choice.
Transparency and Trust Go Hand-in-Hand
A transparent organization engenders trust suggests Andrew Macmillan. What is your organization sharing with members and staff to earn their loyalty?
You Should Be Thinking Like A Designer
Travis Root asks credit unions to reconsider their design process from the perspective of their designer in order to find and remove friction points and create better designs overall.
Current Whole Bank Purchases Illuminate Core Issues and a Glaring Deficiency
In a follow-up to his article on bank acquisitions, Chip Filson dissects four recent bank purchases made by credit unions and ponders the lack of transparency which he believes may suggest an unsettling trend.
Should We Conduct Collections Through Text and Email?
Jerry Collins contemplates the system in which credit unions implement new processes only for regulators to step in and tell them they did it wrong and considers how we can change this dynamic—specifically in regards to collections via email and text.
Ten Questions for Whole Bank Purchases
Chip Filson urges credit unions to carefully review these ten questions before considering any bank purchase.
Are You Going Undercover in Your Credit Union?
It’s not enough for CEOs to run their credit unions by simply looking at the data and adjusting. According to Megan Ernsberger, CEOs should be going “undercover” and listening to frontline workers to discover what’s really going on in their credit union and how they can best serve their members.
What Harper Got Wrong with the CUSO Rule Vote
Vic Pantea shares his thoughts on the recent CUSO rule approved by the NCUA board, and why Harper got the vote wrong.
With a Little Help from Our Friends: What Credit Unions Can Do to Prepare for Cannabis Banking Partnerships
As the future of credit unions’ relationship with cannabis businesses lies in the hands of Congress, Stacy Brower details ways for credit unions to prepare for these accounts, should the SAFE Act pass.