Investing: Should Credit Unions Be Doing More for Their Members?

Investing: Should Credit Unions Be Doing More for Their Members?

Investing can be a complicated process, it can be difficult to know where to start. Should your credit union be doing more to reach out and help you take those steps? Kyle Karnes says yes.

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Recapping the July NCUA Board Meeting

Recapping the July NCUA Board Meeting

What’s going on with the NCUA’s capital budget? Vic Pantea deliverers notes on the July NCUA Board Meeting and some reasonable questions about budget changes.

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For the Love of Cold Calling

For the Love of Cold Calling

Not everyone is a fan of cold calling, but Connie Bradshaw can’t seem to get enough of it. Tackling her thoughts and methods, she details why she loves the practice – and you should too!

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Explore Bankers’ Embarrassment Dot Com

Explore Bankers’ Embarrassment Dot Com

Why did the American Bankers Association feel the need to hide behind a proxy for their registration? Supervising Editor Esteban Camargo dives into the recent drama surrounding the ABA and why credit unions don’t need to resort to shady tactics.

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Would You Like Some Catsup? A Journey in Customer Service Excellence

Would You Like Some Catsup? A Journey in Customer Service Excellence

Julie Gessner tackles the importance of good customer service and brick and mortar stores in a tale of credit unions, wayward road trips, and a need for some catsup.

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High Level Decision-Makers, Transparency, and Operating in the Weeds

High Level Decision-Makers, Transparency, and Operating in the Weeds

When it comes to data analytics, how do you know when to dive into the details and when to take a step back? Josh Peacock is here to help you decide what is going to be most beneficial for you and your credit union, and how to not get lost in the weeds.

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The Math and Mysteries Behind Credit Unions

The Math and Mysteries Behind Credit Unions

Math can be tricky. Good thing we have NACUSO’s Denise Wymore here to help cover some of the more perplexing numbers behind credit union’s market share, members, and future growth.

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We Need Paper Receipts Like We Need Plastic Straws

We Need Paper Receipts Like We Need Plastic Straws

Why do we get straws by default when we don’t always use them? Why are we still printing receipts when the majority end up in the trash? Bob Anderson opines on our practice of printing receipts for everything, and why we should stop this practice in a time of digital solutions.

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Harnessing the Power of Cooperation and Collaboration

Harnessing the Power of Cooperation and Collaboration

CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes discusses the power of harnessing the power of collaboration and cooperation, and why it needs to be approached as an effective business design for win-win outcomes.

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Recapping the June NCUA Board Meeting

Recapping the June NCUA Board Meeting

In this new CUSO Magazine series, Vic Pantea recaps the NCUA’s board meetings, giving his spin on the topics discussed and thoughts on decisions made by the board members.

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