Communi7y Crew Hosts Pop Up With Local Nonprofit Beer City Dog Biscuits


Dog lovers alike stopped by to learn more about Beer City Dog Biscuits‘ mission last week at their pop up hosted by the Communi7y Crew at CU*Answers. Beer City Dog Biscuits empowers the disabled through the creation of their dog biscuits and each treat is hand-made and packaged by Brew Bakers.

Brew Bakers are the team of disabled adults who learn important skills throughout the entire treat making process. The baking process includes:

Mixing dough: Brew Bakers learn how to follow sequential, written recipes. Cracking eggs strengthens dexterity and mixing the dough helps build strength and sensory management skills.

Stuffing Biscuit Molds: Brew Bakers learn to closely follow directions and hone fine motor skills while stuffing dough into molds.

Stuffing and Weighing Bags: Brew Bakers will learn how to distinguish between concepts like whole treats vs incomplete treats (biscuits may break during the baking process). Weighing bags helps with quantitative measuring skills.

Sealing and Labeling Bags: Brew Bakers learn how to use machinery by operating the bag sealing equipment. Doing this helps with gross motor skills, hand eye coordination and stamina.

Kitchen Clean Up: Brew Bakers have multiple learning opportunities here including assessing cleanliness, working together with others and learning important household skills.

100% of donations and sales are put right back into the nonprofit. Thanks to the pop up, CU*Answers helped contribute $465 to the mission! “I was so impressed by their mission!” said Elizabeth Gregory, client service representative.

CU*Answers employee Tony Muka, who was present at the event noted, “It was great to see our company so excited to get their paws on these tasty dog treats and help support a great cause!”

Beer City Dog Biscuits brought a variety of treat flavors including their original, blueberry and new coconut crunch flavor. They also brought other items such as hats and dog bandanas. You can learn more about Beer City Dog Biscuits on their website and follow along on their social media channels.

About Beer City Dog Biscuits

Beer City Dog Biscuits is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located here in Grand Rapids. They depend entirely on the support of individuals and companies to help carry out their mission. With donations, they are able to provide dogs with delicious treats and Adults with Developmental Disabilities with vocational training and employment. The treats are human grade and made from donated spent grains from Founders Brewing Co!

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About Communi7y Crew

The Communi7y Crew was formed in June 2014 to promote community events that support the 7 Cooperative Principles (Voluntary and Open Membership, Democratic Member Control, Member Economic Participation, Education and Training, Cooperation Among Cooperatives, and Concern for Community), which are the foundation of all credit unions.

The Communi7y Crew accepts events from any staff member that supports community outreach. Other events include Stuff the Bus, Toys for Tots, cancer runs, soup bowl painting (that provides soup in your painted bowls for a local food pantry), and participation in the annual MICareer Quest, a hands-on career and college readiness event for middle and high school students.


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