The Future of WordPress

The Future of WordPress

In the world of web design, WordPress is king, powering nearly half of all websites. But as technology develops, the platform must as well, but in what way? Sam Lechenet shares his insight into the future of WordPress and what new capabilities might be just around the corner.

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Five Mistakes Credit Unions Make With Their Website

Five Mistakes Credit Unions Make With Their Website

Your credit union website is not only an essential tool for current members, it’s often the first thing prospective members see and can be the difference between gaining that new member or not. David Damstra covers some common mistakes made when making a website and how your credit union can avoid these and put its best foot forward.

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Redesigning Your Website: Where Should You Put Your Effort?

Redesigning Your Website: Where Should You Put Your Effort?

Web developer Sam Lechenet analyzes how much traffic each of your web pages is getting and how you can refocus your design efforts to save time and money.

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Looks Aren’t Everything: What Makes a Website Stand Out

Looks Aren’t Everything: What Makes a Website Stand Out

Designer Peter Meyers urges credit unions to take a step back from the color palettes and font choices to reexamine their website’s content and find ways to inspire users to engage with their site.

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Your Credit Union Website is Boring, But That’s Probably Okay

Your Credit Union Website is Boring, But That’s Probably Okay

Creativity and aesthetics are important when creating a website. However, it’s even more important to know when to reel it in and let user experience, accessibility, and trust guide your design, argues David Damstra.

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Go Digital or Risk Being Left Behind

Go Digital or Risk Being Left Behind

Web Developer and Credit Union Board Chairperson Kurt Hansen discusses why credit unions need to be focusing on digital support for their members–or risk being left behind.

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