An Initial Reaction to the NAFCU-CUNA Merger
After the recent announcement of CUNA and the NAFCU’s intended merger, Chip Filson discusses the possible ramifications such a move could have on the credit union industry.
NASCUS: NCUA Should Only Review FISCU Mergers for Share Insurance Risks
The NCUA should butt out of merger reviews of federally-insured, state-chartered credit unions (FISCUs) unless there is a safety and soundness issue that poses risks to the Share Insurance Fund (SIF), NASCUS said, in comments submitted to the agency.
Strategies to Avoid Mergers: Economies of Scale
When merging, credit unions often cite a lack of scale and economic capability. Liz Winninger and Vic Pantea discuss ways CUSOs can offer support these credit unions to help combat the rise of mergers in the industry.
Strategies to Avoid Mergers: Adopting a Broker Model
Credit union consolidation and mergers pose a threat to the industry’s many CUSOs and vendors, say Liz Winninger and Victor Pantea. Assisting credit unions in adopting a broker-like model, they argue, can help credit unions increase their product and service offerings and potentially avoid mergers altogether.
What Are the Drivers for CUSO Merger and Acquisitions Success?
Chief Financial Officer of CU*Answers, Bob Frizzle, discusses the incentives that push CUSOs into investing in mergers and acquisitions and which motivations will yield the most success.
Considering a Merger? Don’t Let Your Data Processor be the Last to Know
Mergers can be a lengthy and complex process, and with some much going on, notifying vendors can end up taking a back seat. Melissa Hammel stresses the importance of communicating with your data processing partner early on and keeping them informed down the line.
WestStar Credit Union to Acquire Las Vegas UP Employees Federal Credit Union in Merger
On Tuesday, August 30th the members of Las Vegas UP Employees Federal Credit Union of Las Vegas, Nevada voted to merge with WestStar Credit Union also of Las Vegas, Nevada.
NCUA’s Merger Supervision is Failing Members
NCUA is responsible for monitoring mergers, but Chip Filson believes it has become a rubber stamping process for the regulator and the industry is suffering for it.
Credit Union Groups Call on the NCUA for Merger Policy Reform
NAFCU and NASCUS both submitted comments to the NCUA ahead of their August 16th deadline for submissions calling for changes in merger policy and regulatory oversight, Emily Claus reports.
Maine Harvest Credit Union to Merge Only Two Years After Opening
Maine Harvest Federal Credit Union has announced it will be merging with other Five County Credit Union—only two years after its much-publicized opening. Emily Claus dives into the reasons behind the merge.