Scale and the Law of Diminishing Returns
What can Houston’s highway system teach credit unions? Chip Filson says sometimes seeking scale to solve perceived issues can have unintended consequences.
The Myth of Efficiency and the Allure of Scale
Do mergers and bank purchases, by increasing scale, also increase efficiency and lower operating costs? Or are credit unions focusing on the wrong method? Chip Filson argues the latter.
Strategy: How Important is Scale?
Are credit unions losing focus on what really matters in the never-ending pursuit of scale? Chip Filson considers where credit unions may be going astray as they prioritize growth over members.
Peter Pan and Captain Hook in Credit Union Land
The credit union community seems divided by Peter Pans, who believe in a future for the cooperative model, and Captain Hooks, who see the end around every corner. Chip Filson sees this and asks, “Which one are you?”
Mergers: a Credit Union Marketplace Trend
Mergers are a hot topic in today’s credit union world. Barb Cooper dives into how perception of mergers has changed over time, why a merger strategy might be beneficial, and what steps should go into ensuring success.
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