The Power of Community

The Power of Community

In the race to grow, credit unions might be losing out on an important aspect of what makes them so impactful: their local effect. Chip Filson shares how credit unions parallel local press in that way, and reinforces the importance of community.

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The Ultimate Cooperative Advantage

The Ultimate Cooperative Advantage

In a financial business, the temptation to prove success through dollar signs and numbers is pervasive. Chip Filson reminds credit unions that their greatest success is demonstrated in their relationships with members and the impact on their communities.

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A Credit Union-Like Story: The Bank of Dave

A Credit Union-Like Story: The Bank of Dave

Chip Filson discusses the story (and now film) of Dave Fishwick, a British resident who sought to shake up the financial industry in the UK.

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The Skill of Keeping Honest People Honest

The Skill of Keeping Honest People Honest

Chip Filson discusses the most critical aspect of leadership and how the barriers we erect reduce, but don’t eliminate temptation.

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Website Design: Learning From Others

Website Design: Learning From Others

Website design can be a tricky hurdle for credit unions, but while some can be hesitant to take inspiration from other credit unions, Brett Taylor encourages credit unions to learn from their peers in order to create better websites for their members.

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First Lessons from a Credit Union’s CUSO’s Public Offering

First Lessons from a Credit Union’s CUSO’s Public Offering

Valuable lessons can be learned from Partner Colorado Credit Union and their CUSO subsidiary Safe Harbor Financial. Chip Filson shares what happened when Safe Harbor went public, and what credit unions might learn from the episode.

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The Legacy Effect of Credit Unions

The Legacy Effect of Credit Unions

As charitable organizations ask Chip Filson to become a legacy member, he reflects on one credit union’s lasting legacy and urges others to pay tribute to their founding and the reason they are around today.

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Cooperatives, Credit Cards, and Wealth Redistribution

Cooperatives, Credit Cards, and Wealth Redistribution

A study from the Federal Reserve shows how credit card rewards programs represent a transfer of wealth from the naïve to the informed, the poor to the wealthy, relates Chip Filson.

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Re-Imagining Federal Credit Unions’ Fields of Membership

Re-Imagining Federal Credit Unions’ Fields of Membership

Chip Filson shares some history on how Ed Callahan helped shape the credit union industry by opening up new possibilities in credit union field of membership, seeking to repurpose it as a building block, not a regulatory hurdle.

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Tech Layoffs and Lessons for Credit Unions

Tech Layoffs and Lessons for Credit Unions

Chip Filson warns credit unions not to follow in the tech industry’s footsteps in the race to shrink workforces because others are, but to trust in staff and their impact on members.

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