Merger or Acquisition: The Importance of Word Selection
Merger, acquisition, are they really that different? Chip Filson thinks so, and says bank acquisitions are not in the interest of existing members.
Credit Union Trade Groups Renew Push for Member Business Loan Cap Increase
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports on credit union trade groups who are renewing their call for Congress to lift the credit union Member Business Lending cap, saying the limit is an arbitrary restriction that keeps financial institutions from providing crucial assistance during the coronavirus economic crisis.
Read This Not That: Tips for Capturing Your Reader’s Attention
When it comes to sending out emails, whether to members or staff, it may seem pretty straightforward. But if you want to really capture your readers attention, there are some steps you can take improve your communication quality. Andrew Macmillan has the good stuff.
Why Studying Your Calls is More Important Now Than Ever
Those in the credit union industry used to wonder if phone banking was on its way out, but now thanks to COVID-19, it’s more essential than ever. Sarah Ashby analyzes this change and ponders how this will impact the future of phone banking.
Banks are Currently the Envy of Credit Unions When It Comes to De Novos
When it comes to supporting start up financial institutions, the banking industry is beating the credit union industry at its own game. Vic Pantea shares the FDIC’s commitment to de novos and what the NCUA can learn from them.
FHFA’s Calabria to CUNA’s Nussle: We Need the New Fee
Washington Credit Union Daily’s David Baumann reports on Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria who again defended the agency’s plan to charge a new 0.5% fee on refinancing of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgages, telling Credit Union National Association President/CEO Jim Nussle that, “This fee is necessary to keep people in their homes during the pandemic.”
Scale and the Law of Diminishing Returns
What can Houston’s highway system teach credit unions? Chip Filson says sometimes seeking scale to solve perceived issues can have unintended consequences.
This Year I Voted as a Credit Union Member and You Can Too!
In an interview with Trey Hawkins, Deputy Chief of Political Affairs at CUNA, Alycia Meyers details how CUNA is working to get more credit union members voting through their Credit Unions Vote initiative.
Community Reinvestment Coalition: Subject Credit Unions to CRA Tests
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition said that if underserved areas of the U.S. are going to be revitalized, non-banks, including credit unions, should be subject to the Community Reinvestment Act, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.
The Evolving Landscape of Mobile Technologies
Barb Cooper discusses the growth of mobile technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic and debates what the future might hold for such technologies after the pandemic passes.