Federal Credit Unions May Use Federal Courts, Appeals Court Says
In a ruling that sounds strange but that credit unions say is extremely important, a U.S. appeals court affirmed this week that federal credit unions may use the federal court system, reports David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily.
When It Comes to Changing Insurance, the NCUA Should Be a Simple Vendor, Not a Customs Agent
Why is it that NCUA dictates the rules for switching to private insurance for credit unions that are chartered by their state, not federally? Vic Pantea thinks that should change to give credit unions and their states more autonomy over their insurance choices.
The Struggle of De Novo Credit Unions
Does the credit union industry stand a chance when the NCUA has made it almost impossible for new charters? Emily Claus discusses the difficulties facing startups, how far we’ve fallen, and what can be done about it.
NCUA Charters Its First New Federal Credit Union This Year
David Baumann of the Washington CU Daily reports on the first federal charter granted in 2020.
What Role Will Virtual Conferences Have in a Post-Pandemic World?
Event planner Stephanie Underwood ponders what role, if any, virtual events will have in post-pandemic world. Will the industry easily revert to old practices or has it been forever changed?
The Delicate Balancing Act of Business Innovation and Cybersecurity Risk
In an increasingly interconnected industry, with new APIs opening the doors for greater integration of more platforms, risk lurks right around the corner. Patrick Sickels discusses the inherent risk of APIs, but why it’s an acceptable cost for business innovation.
Hauptman: Provide Incentives for Credit Unions to Become Minority Depository Institutions
David Baumann reports on Kyle Hauptman’s statements and answers to the Senate Banking Committee, including opinions on credit unions’ status as MDIs, overdraft policies, and virtual examinations.
Does Common Bond Matter Anymore?
Today, fields of membership with limited scopes have been replaced with the more generalized community charter. Chip Filson looks at the evolution of the common bond and what we can learn from it.
Don’t Let Your Marketing and Design Be Afterthoughts
As Marketing Administrator Megan Tenbusch knows, branding, marketing, and design can make or break your credit union. Thankfully, she has some tips and advice for getting the most out of your efforts.
Now is the Time to Invest in Your Website
Web Developer Kurt Hansen lays out the reasons why your credit union’s website, if designed properly, is your most powerful and essential tool in a COVID-19 world.