The House Financial Services Committee Approves Controversial Legislation to Limit Overdraft Fees

The House Financial Services Committee Approves Controversial Legislation to Limit Overdraft Fees

Last week, the House Financial Services Committee approved overdraft legislation which would limit the number of overdraft fees banks and credit unions can charge their clients. Emily Claus discusses the bill’s future and repercussions.

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Going Public: A Credit Union, Their CUSO, and a SPAC

Going Public: A Credit Union, Their CUSO, and a SPAC

What happens when a credit union-owned CUSO is sold? Chip Filson looks into the 2022 sale of Safe Harbor Financial to special purpose acquisition company North Lights Acquisition Corp.

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Employee Engagement: Why it Matters

Employee Engagement: Why it Matters

Any company worth anything knows that employees are the lifeblood of your organization. Brandon Shaw delves into how engaged employees are not only happier but benefit the company’s overall health as well.

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Your Annual CPA Financial Audit: What You Need to Know

Your Annual CPA Financial Audit: What You Need to Know

Becky Frankowski breaks down your yearly CPA audit: why is it needed, who it’s for, and how your organization can prepare for one.

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Applications for CDFI Fund Suspended Between Oct. 1 and April 3

Applications for CDFI Fund Suspended Between Oct. 1 and April 3

The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund recently announced that as it prepares for upcoming changes to its application process it will be suspending new applications and Target Market Modifications between October 1, 2022 and April 3, 2023, reports Esteban Camargo.

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Why Your Credit Union Should Offer CPR Classes

Why Your Credit Union Should Offer CPR Classes

Having staff at your credit union CPR certified can be the difference between life and death in a medical emergency. Ashton Dilts covers some of the main reasons offering these certification classes at your credit union is important and how you can get started.

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The Housing Market Nightmare: How We Got Here and How Credit Unions Can Help

The Housing Market Nightmare: How We Got Here and How Credit Unions Can Help

It’s no secret that the current housing market in the US is a nightmare. With limited inventory and skyrocketing prices, competition is steep and affordability is a struggle. So where do credit unions come in? Vivian Colligan has a few ideas.

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When Less Is More: NCUA Board’s Mid-Year Operating Budget Review

When Less Is More: NCUA Board’s Mid-Year Operating Budget Review

According to Chip Filson, the NCUA is guilty of consistent budget increases and out-of-control spending. But with a budget review on the horizon, will the board opt to change this?

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House Passes Bill on NCUA Third-Party Authority and Marijuana Banking

House Passes Bill on NCUA Third-Party Authority and Marijuana Banking

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act. Emily Claus details what parts of the bill impact credit unions and what changes can be expected.

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Weeks Into Months: Planning Communications for the Long Term

Weeks Into Months: Planning Communications for the Long Term

An effective lengthy email campaign relies on more than just the right information, says Andrew Macmillan. The best combine creative inspiration with just enough consistent design to tie the whole series together for the reader.

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