Mastercard Tells CUs, Banks to Stop Serving Marijuana Businesses
Demonstrating the perilous state of marijuana banking, Mastercard has directed credit unions and banks to stop offering payment services to marijuana-related businesses even in states where cannabis is legal, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.
Digital and Branching Options
While digital strategies continue to be the hot topic within the credit union industry, Chip Filson says in-person is both sticking around and even growing among retailers, and some credit unions are paying attention.
The Daily Care and Feeding of Today’s Data Center Part One
Business Continuity and Information Security expert Jim Lawrence shares knowledge from the FFIEC IT Examination Handbook on how to tackle operations in the data center.
First Lessons from a Credit Union’s CUSO’s Public Offering
Valuable lessons can be learned from Partner Colorado Credit Union and their CUSO subsidiary Safe Harbor Financial. Chip Filson shares what happened when Safe Harbor went public, and what credit unions might learn from the episode.
NCUA Board Approves Updated Member Expulsion Rule
The NCUA board on Thursday, July 20, adopted a final rule making it easier for credit unions to expel members from their institutions for cause, such as violence or disorderly behavior, reports David Baumann of CUCollaborate.
The Dos and Don’ts of Conducting an Interview
Recruiter Annalise Runkel shares a few insider tips on how to conduct more successful interviews and create conversation that grants a better understanding of the candidate.
The Lifecycle of Software Testing
Testing may seem like one short step in the entire software development process, but its importance cannot be understated, says Mary VanAntwerp as she shares the ins and outs of each stage of the software testing lifecycle and why having a quality tester is integral.
Don’t Let New Technology Determine Your Strategy
John Beauchamp urges credit unions not to invest in new technology for the sake of being trendy and to remember that technology is meant to support a credit union’s strategy, not dictate it
House Financial Service Committee to Hold Hearing On Climate-Change Policies
On Tuesday, July 18th, the House Financial Service Committee will hold a hearing to discuss climate-change policy issues and whether financial regulators such as the NCUA can remain politically independent on the topic, reports Emily Claus.
Tips for Managing Members’ Compromised Cards
When a member’s card is compromised, both the member and credit union will need to act quickly to minimize the damage. Linda Stearns offers advice on how to best approach the situation to resolve it quickly and support your members.