NCUA Approves Bloated Budget Without Adjustments for Industry Complaints
Is the NCUA’s comment period just a dog and pony show? Vic Pantea might think so. He recaps the NCUA’s December board meeting and the approval of a budget that didn’t factor in complaints from the industry.
New Year, New You, and New CU Too!
Peter Meyers says New Year’s resolutions aren’t limited to people, credit unions can have them too! Set your credit union up for a decade of progress and success by refocusing on the seven cooperative principles credit unions stand for.
A FinTech Prospecting Tool: Product Hunt
Can credit unions learn from Product Hunt’s democratized approach to user feedback? Chip Filson thinks so. Read why innovation in Silicon Valley can be a model for credit union opportunities.
How Online Is Your Credit Union? Do You Have a Branch at the North Pole?
According to Kyle Karnes, mobile and online banking technology have made it possible to establish a completely virtual credit union from just about anywhere – even the North Pole. Is it time for your credit union to make the trek?
Tips for Planning Your Corporate Holiday Strategy
If you work in event planning or in the corporate world like Stephanie Underwood, you know how important (and busy) the holiday season can be. Thankfully, she has some fun and unique ideas to help inspire holiday cheer for your employees and clients.
Fun Holiday Ideas for Your Credit Union
Credit unions are committed to giving back, as part of the seven cooperative principles. So how can your credit union lend a helping hand this holiday season? Barb Cooper has a few ideas.
Robles vs Domino’s: Who’s Really Winning the Fight on Accessibility?
With Domino’s Pizza under fire for lack of accessibility, Susanna Wojtkowiak discusses what impact this court case could have on the future of ADA compliance on the web, how this might effect your website, and what steps you should take towards accessibility.
The New Capital: Member Data
Chip Filson covers member data as the “new capital” and why credit unions should be teaching members to protect and value their own data.
5 Ways to Make Your Website a Better Retail Experience
Looking for ways to make your website a more effective space for retailing? David Damstra, shares five essential things to improve the overall quality of your site and how your users experience it.