Recapping the June NCUA Board Meeting

Recapping the June NCUA Board Meeting

In this new CUSO Magazine series, Vic Pantea recaps the NCUA’s board meetings, giving his spin on the topics discussed and thoughts on decisions made by the board members.

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Artificial Intelligence or Artificially Intelligent?

Artificial Intelligence or Artificially Intelligent?

Are the stats we’re shown on TV artificial intelligence or artificially intelligent? Why we shouldn’t be scared of data analysis or think it’s unattainable without buying a fancy solution.

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Managing Third-Party Projects – You’re Probably the Pig!

Managing Third-Party Projects – You’re Probably the Pig!

When arranging a project between third-parties, who’s in charge of ensuring your goals are met? If you’ve ever had a project not go the way you hoped, you may not have realized that you were the project manager!

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The Myth of the Best Day to Send Out Emails

The Myth of the Best Day to Send Out Emails

When’s the best day to send out emails to subscribers? Tuesday? Thursday? (Friday if you’re CUSO Magazine?) A communications coordinator dives into the dilemma of knowing when’s the best time to reach your members.

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Takeaways from the 2019 CU*Answers Leadership Conference

Takeaways from the 2019 CU*Answers Leadership Conference

CU*Answers held its Annual Leadership Conference discussing the future of the industry and of CU*Answers as it moves forward into 2020. Check out the key takeaways from each section of the event!

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The Challenges and Solutions to Recruiting in an Employee’s Market

The Challenges and Solutions to Recruiting in an Employee’s Market

Recruiting and retaining talent can be extremely challenging in a low unemployment market. Amber Overla looks into what are the biggest challenges facing human resources teams and what they can focus on in recruiting to find and retain great employees.

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Why Should We Do Our Best to Change the NCUA Board Member Selection Approach?

Why Should We Do Our Best to Change the NCUA Board Member Selection Approach?

In this op-ed originally appearing in Tell Me Why I’m Wrong, Randy Karnes explains why CUSOs need to step up and take a bigger role in the NCUA board member selection process for the sake of the industry at large.

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How To Attract Enthusiastic, Motivated Board Members

How To Attract Enthusiastic, Motivated Board Members

Struggling to find candidates for your credit union’s board of directors? River Valley Credit Union found a way to not only identify potential future board members, but have them come in with the experience to hit the job running.

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Clear Your Mind and Your Risk Assessments Will Follow

Clear Your Mind and Your Risk Assessments Will Follow

Risk management isn’t as easy as buying a solution. In this CUSO Magazine exclusive, Jim Vilker and Patrick Sickels detail the three steps needed to set up an effective risk management system at your credit union.

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How Will You Celebrate National Records & Information Management Month?

How Will You Celebrate National Records & Information Management Month?

CU*Answers Internal Auditor Marilyn Boyd recounts how RIM Week got started at CU*Answers and what the week held for staff in 2019.

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