Reaping the Benefits of AI Efficiency Without Unforeseen Consequences
AI seems to be around every corner, with each and every developer toting their own and all the miraculous things it can do for you and your business. So how do you chose the right one? Andrea Argueta shares how you can find the right AI for the right purpose.
Spreadsheet Superpower: Using AI Assistants for Excel Formulas
As credit unions continue to find new ways to use and interact with AI, Daniel Kreuger shares how he uses the technology to support his daily work, particularly when creating spreadsheets and Excel formulas.
Dangers Along the A.I. Frontier: Wiretapping and Class Action Lawsuits
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has businesses chomping at the bit to take advantage and gain an edge on competitors, but it can come at a cost. Patrick Sickels warns of some of the ways lawyers can capitalize on the wild west of technology, and how credit unions can avoid falling victim to their payday schemes.
The Unique Challenge Facing Credit Unions
Credit unions pride themselves on member service, but can sometimes lack the product offering their members need. Joshua Herman encourages credit unions to look into wealth management products as a way to support members and generate income.
The Daily Care and Feeding of Today’s Data Center (Part Three): Infrastructure
In the last article of his series on data centers and the center FFIEC IT Examination Handbook, Jim Lawrence covers the third and final component: infrastructure.
The Double-Edged Sword of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating Improper Usage
As the credit union moves forward in engaging with artificial intelligence, Tonya Cohen reminds the industry why it’s important to handle the technology with care and caution, lest its misuse damage the credit union’s brand and member trust.
Don’t Buy Into A.I. Until You Read This
Look before you leap is an understatement when it comes to buying into AI. Thankfully, Dave Wordhouse has the steps and considerations you need before taking the plunge.
Digital Member Experience: The Key to Loyalty
Andrea Argueta warns credit unions of the dangers of becoming digital laggards and risks of falling behind on member expectations.
The Hidden Horrors of a Visually Attractive Website
When it comes to website design, aesthetics tend to be top-of-mind for credit unions. However, Tony Muka cautions against prioritizing a website’s appearance over what lies beneath: the code, functionality, and security.
Are You Prepared for Cybersecurity Month?
As we enter October, Emily Claus reminds readers of another very important reason for the season: Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and what your credit union should do to be prepared.